I have been taking them for few weeks/months before my pregnancy and I am sure that help to have your body 100% ready for it. It's very small and convenient to take in your bag if needed
Used these when trying for a baby, the tablets are small and easy to swallow. Have all the essentials vitamins needed. They also have the day of the week on them so you know you havent missed any. Fell pregnant first month of trying on these tablets
Obviously I have no idea whether these tablets contributed to me actually falling pregnant but I felt assurance that when I did that I was already providing my developing baby with the viral nutrients needed for those all important early weeks. I would have no hesitation in taking them again for baby number two.
Small pill and discrete packaging once out of the box if you don't want people to know you're trying. The first thing your midwife will ask you is if you were taking folic acid etc whilst trying to fall pregnant and it's really important for a healthy first trimester if you take supplements pre-conception.
I took there from the day I miscarried up until I was about 7 weeks pregnant and was prescribed a higher dose. My midwife recommended the seven seas for value for money and I genuinely think they helped me with conceiving (and carrying)
When I went to my booking appointment my MW was pleased that I was taking pre vitamins as it’s good for the baby. Theses are great as they are small, I struggle to take tablets so I was most pleased.
Small and easy to swallow - also did what it said it would!
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I'm in my mid 30s and worried about how difficult it might be for me to conceive so started taking these a couple of months beforehand. We conceived on 2nd try and it's impossible to know but I do think these pills helped!
I believe trying for a baby really helped us conceive our son. We'd been trying for under a year and nothing was happening so I started taking these about 3 months before I became pregnant. My first pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage however I continued taking the vitamins throughout until my next pregnancy 6/7 months later. We did start to eat a lot healthier and do more exercise aswell as both myself and partner taking vitamins so yes I do honestly believe these were a contribution towards my pregnancy and also a healthy fetus. I liked that these were small and easy to digest. The foiled backs have days written so you can easily keep track. Compared to other brands these are also very affordable. I used to buy them from amazon as a multi buy as it worked out cheaper.
Anyone who has taken prenatal vitamins will know the struggle they bring. First, they're usually not cheap, and also they're all so BIG! Which is awful when everything makes you nauseous anyway.
I tried this brand as I kept miscarrying and couldn't afford to keep buying the expensive brands; these were only £3.50 from wilkos and sainsburys for a pack of 28! The packet has days on to help you keep track of whether you've taken it which I find very helpful. Also the tablet itself is so small it doesn't make it hard to swallow or keep it down,which for me is a huge factor in why I love it! I've found others to be a similar size to a small grape, whereas this is the size of a contraceptive pill.
Also since I've started taking this pill, I have actually been able to stay pregnant longer than 5 weeks which is incredible! Could be a coincidence of course but with 4 miscarriages before this, I think its the extra iron and vitamin D that played a part for me staying pregnant this time, as I'm prone to anaemia so this helps provide baby with more of this than I could offer before.
I also find this pill doesn't leave that chalky residue and funny aftertaste that most do, and it doesnt have a strong smell like the others, which is much better for my nausea.
I would definitely reccomend this product and will continue using myself until it's time to move to the next stage tablets this brand offers. 10/10
Discreet packet with days on, tiny tablets so easy to swallow & i got pregnant while taking 1st pack
They are more expensive than the next step which is the pregnancy ones so i moved onto them ASAP
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Started taking these on 21st Dec 2018 and found out i am now almost 5 weeks pregnant. Not sure if it was down to these tablets, but we managed to conceive in my first month of trying and within a couple weeks of starting these tablets.
The tablets are in a discreet packaging and are very easy to swallow due to them being so small. The pack has the days of the week and look similar to the pill.
I have quickly moved onto the pregnancy tablets by this brand as they are far cheaper and obviously i need the extra vitamins for my growing baby anyway!
Cannot fault them!
Myself and my husband had been trying to get pregnant for 18 months before I was referred to Native Iyabasira fertility solution. We had no definite diagnosis of what was wrong and had become very frustrated. In November 2015 I was given a thorough reproductive health work up, I found out I had low progesterone, thyroid issues and a stomach issue which was affecting my ability to get pregant. This was a very thorough process involving dietary, hormonal and physical investigations and started the recommended treatments in Feb 16 2016. I was pregnant by april 16. I had a baby boy in march 2017. I was carefully monitored and mother Iyabasira was always available for me. I can't recommend native iyabasira more highly so much so we are hoping to start trying for a second baby under her guidance.
These tablets are small and easy to swallow, compared to others on the market. They have everything you need when trying to conceive and only cost £5 which is cheap compared to other brands. Because they are small they don’t take a lot of dove and is easy to take them with it people knowing what it is if you don’t want them to know you are trying to conceive.
I took these after coming off the coil and became pregnant within a month so I would highly recommend. I’d read reviews online before trying these and seem to all be positive.
I took these because i wanted to have and everything to be ok in case i will become pregnant! All my life i suffer with my ovaries because of the chists and i was afraid will be a problem to conceive..but after taken these, after 2 months i had the surprise to find out that i am pregnant.So i definitely recommend these pills, for me they worked!
Very small and convenient, contain everything we need
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These are so reasonably priced, and I took them whilst we were trying to conceive- I had so many compliments on my healthy hair and skin! They have the days on too, like a mini pill so you can’t forget if you’ve taken them either!
We conceived in 3 months of trying with these but obviously I don’t know how much credit they can take for that or not!
Took these before I feel pregnant they are available in a number of shops and I don't think there that expensive and these make sure your getting the right goodness your body need to grow a bubba
Started taken these as we had been trying for our 4th baby for 5 years and it just was not happening. Toom these easy to use pills which was labelled with monday to friday. They pills was very tiny u didn't even need to take it with a drink. Fell.pregnant only 2months after taken these. 100% highly recommend these.
The pills packaging has days of the week on making it easy to never miss a pill.
There is only a months supply in each packet
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I was trying for a baby for a long time, these pills were easy to remember to take due to the days being printed on the packet and very easy to swallow due to the size.
With these vitamins I didn't get any side effects and was happy with the taste too. Another benefit for this product is it is often on offer in the supermarkets meaning even better valve for your money.
I started taking these 3 months before we conceived. One box is roughly a months supply. You can buy them from boots in 3 for 2 making them more value for money. They are very small pills and must be taken for food. It doesn’t matter if you miss a day.
It provides more than the basic free nhs product gives
Need to pay for something basic that it's freely provided by NHS
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This product is very complete. It provides more nutrients than the one contained in the basic free NHS pills. The basic is folic acid, vitamin d and vitamin c but this product provides more. This makes it a one go product to be safely taken with no need to take more pills.
Just like mini pill- come with days of the week so you know when to take
Not loads in a packett
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These are super easy to use and the fact they have the days of the week on them means you can ensure you take 1 everyday. They are really small to swallow and after only 1 month of taking them I fell pregnant! The only bad thing I can think of is that you only get 30 in a pack.
I started taking these after we had been trying to get pregnant since June 2017, I was already pregnant before finishing the first pack, I will continue taking these though out my 12 weeks and then go on to the next stage of seven seas.