Recently purchased the doidy cup to try and encourage my little one to drink from and open cup. The design tilt is clever and can help prevent little spillage. Size of cup is slightly small, however easy to clean.
Easy for child to tip too far and spill down them!
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This is a great idea for young children just starting to wean. It’s good for oral development and teaches them to use a cup without the need to tip too much! Having said that mine all tended to tip up the cup a lot so all the water went down their front! It’s very easy to clean and small enough to take with you. My children did find it easier to drink from this as there was less need to tip up however be prepare for them to get it all down them a few times!
My daughter is super fussy and wouldn’t drink any water.. as a nursery teacher we use these so I thought maybe she would be better with this than a tradition ‘sippy cup’ that she couldn’t figure out how to use, I tied this and she loves it! She’s only 6 months though and wants to hold it and chuck it around that’s the only downside but it does the trick of getting water into her when I’m worried she isn’t getting any with another cup
Really impressed with this cup! I was looking for a solution for my breastfed baby who refuses to take a bottle for the odd time she’s left with grandparents. I was sceptical at first but saw this cup on a special offer so gave it a try! My 6 month old took to it straight away, the handles were really easy for her to hold and she was able to lift it to her mouth and had a drink! After just a week of practicing she’s able to sip without tipping it too much and spilling! Highly recommend these as they are much better at teaching them to drink properly out of a cup rather than sucking!
Boring design and no help in the packaging to use it
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I loved the idea of using a cup which really helps encourage healthy habits and 3 months later we still try! At 15 months old I feel like now was the best time to try introduce it and even though it's a struggle and a mess, I feel like in a few more months she may finally use it carefully and stop turning it upside down! 360 cup was much more successful!
Once a baby starts solid foods it's important to start offering them water at meal times. Getting S to feed from anything other than me has been a real battle and whilst she had a go with sippy cups and cups with a teat, she couldn't seem to master it or want to drink from them. Then one day at my parents she sipped a little water out of a cup my mum had and we realised she was much better without any sort of lid on. I was telling a mum friend about it a few days later and she recommended the doidy cup. The cup is slanted in a way that it helps babies learn to drink from the rim of the cup and not from a spout. The slant means that not only can they see what they are drinking, they don't have to tip the cup too far or move their head forward or backwards. S loves it and will now happily drink water at meal times. We’re going to try it with milk next ready for when I return to work.
This has been a great first cup for my girl when getting water at meals when weaning. She learned how to use it really quickly and loves holding the little handles. The slanted design stops her nose getting in the way and means you can see the water coming up to her mouth. This cup has made her able to drink out of an adult cup which has been great when I’ve forgotten to bring one for her.
This cup is a wonderful little training cup. Only downside I found was that as a parent with my child only being 4 months old it can be difficult to hold. I can imagine the cup will be amazing when he can hold the cup himself.
I love how the cup is slanted makes spills less likely and also makes the sipping of water/juice much easier for little ones.
The shape is good as you can see the contents inside
It’s very expensive for what you get
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We got this cup when my daughter was 6 months old as I wanted her to use an open cup instead of a bottle. But I think I introduced it too early as she just spilt water everywhere! I think 18+ months it’s fantastic! It’s lightweight and brightly coloured, the tilt on it is good because your little one can see the contents inside so therefore less likely to spill it everywhere! The only downside is the price, I think it’s very expensive for just a cup.
encourages more controlled adult method of drinking
messy as no lid with it
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This cup is unlike many other training cups that I have seen or used because it has no lid, yet it can be used from a young age, and still helps to teach your baby or toddler how to drink from something other than a sippy cup or bottle. The angel of the the cup allows for a more natural way to drink without the top rim of the cup bumping into a child's teeth or forehead as quickly as a level rimmed cup. This cup it another great way to bond with your child as you teach them how to drink from a"big persons" cup. When my eldest daughter was about 1 years old she could pick up and drink from the cup herself, without too much dripping down her chin, and she was able to drink more naturally then with a lidded cup and take large sips meaning she quenched her thirst faster.
It does however require supervision or there will be a big mess to clean up. I found that starting with very little in to the bottom of the cup was a good way to start, also meant less mess if something spilled.
I am now teaching my 8 month old how to drink from it and she laughs with delight as it is like she is drinking like the rest of us at the table. Sure she is learning how to hold it and not dump it but doing really well!
A great way to teach independence.
Excellent first cup from weaning, easy to see water inside and easy to assist baby drinking. With handles easy for baby to pick up and practice independently drinking
Highly recommended an this to teach them from day one how to use an open cup rather than sippy cups.
I was given a doily cup free from the children's centre in my area when I attended a breastfeeding group. With both my children, from 6 months we used these cups. No sippy cup.
This is ideal to teach baby how to drink correctly as the slanted design means they can see the liquid. The handles are perfect for them.
They are light and designed really well for small hands.
Nice opening so it's easy to clean
I recommend them to everyone.
I bought this cup for my son to use at 6 months when we first started weaning, and it's the only one he's ever used at mealtimes. The slanted top of the cup means that he quickly was able to drink small amounts of liquid with ease, and the two handles meant he had a fairly good hold from the start. Now at 13 months we still use the same cup, as it avoids over enthusiastic drinking from a normal cup and far less spillages! The same cup has lasted us this long, only buying a second for when the first is in the dishwasher - even though he likes to chew the edge it's held up well and only has minor scratches in the surface!
Doidy cups are a great way of training a child to use an open cup. Great design as they don’t need to tip them up so much to get the fluid. We were introduced to them when weaning our 2nd child, and found it very helpful!
THE DOIDY CUP is a weaning and an open training cup. It's a two-handled cup, has been scientifically designed with a unique slant in order to teach kids to drink from an open cup (rather than from a spout or a teated bottle).