
Member ratings
561 reviews
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Rating /5
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to use

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    This had been used at home since my mum had my little sister and I had used when my son was born, the only thing I don't like much of it is the smell but they do the job.
  • 4.00/5
    • Strengths:

      You can reuse the water up to 24 hours

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    Milton Steriliser Tablets
    I used these with all my children for their cold water steriliser, I found them easy and convenient to use and handy that the water was sterile for 24 hours
    Would highly recommended.
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  • 4.38/5
    • Strengths:

      Great and easy to use

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I find these cold water sterilising tablets great and easy to use leaving my bottles and breast pump feeling clean and sterilised.
  • 4.38/5
    • Strengths:

      Can travel with them

    • Weaknesses:

      Could come in travel size

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    Used these when I took my daughter abroad to sterilise her bottles, can’t fault them, great for travelling, only negative input was that I couldn’t find these in travel size so was left with quite a few over after holiday,
  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      They clean and remove any smells from my son's drinking cups

    • Weaknesses:

      Can take a while to dissolve in the water

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I use these tablets to sterilise and remove any stains or smells from my son's drink cups and they do the job perfectly. The only downside to these tablets are that they take a while to dissolve in the water but a minor gripe.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to use, great for travel

    • Weaknesses:

      Strong smell

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I use this product when travelling and they were great. Quick and easy way to make things sterile. The product has clear instructions and is a great way for mums to ensure everything is clean even in the go.
  • 5.00/5
    • Weaknesses:

      Can cloud some bottle parts

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    This has been a life changer. Our new kitchen has no dish washer and a small microwave so we turned to these tablets. I was so pleased at how easy they are to use and how wonderful they work. I make up a bucket every morning and advert washing all pump parks and bottle parts they get tossed in until i need then again. Great product. Did turn nipples and pacifiers cloudy after time but that's minimal.
  • 4.88/5
    • Strengths:

      Does the job right every time

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I have used these tablets with both my kids as babys to sterilize bottles and feeding equipment. Easy to use and comes with instructions.
  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      *easy to use *no measuring *no messing

    • Weaknesses:

      Could possibly make it so that the table lasts my pre than 24hrs if thats possible but otherwise no

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I've used these since my little girl was born, I've recently started to use the liquid version to, the tablets are a lot handier though I must admit, because you don't need to measure the amount of water in your steriliser then measure the liquid as well you just fill and Chuck a tablet in, super fast super easy and nothing to mess with, measure or worry about ? ifbi had to find a con I would maybe think if it's possible to make the tablets last longer than 24hrs maybe 48hrs that would be better but otherwise all in all I don't really have any cons to be honest. These are especially good if your taking a steriliser on holiday or over you parents for the weekend of their not local and your not farting around with measuring this and that.
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  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      I love how quick and easy this is to use

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I believe this is an essential for all parents. Quick and easy sterilisation within 15 minutes, no need to rinse! Just what mums on the go require.
  • 3.25/5
    • Strengths:

      Simple to use

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    The tablets and instructions are easy to use. It cleans the toys well. I also use them in the washing machine to freshen and clean it up. They are great when out or on holiday to sterilise the bottles too. I've never had any problems with this item and would certainly recommend these to any mummy.
  • 4.38/5
    • Strengths:

      I can highly recommended this tablets. It doesnt leave ugly smell after use only fresh smell of new

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I can highly recommended this tablets. I was using different one before and I couldn't stand the smell of bottles after use. This tablets leave fresh smell like a bottle was new.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Great and very easy to use

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I would personally highly recommend this product it is very easy to use and comes in a easy to open box. No harsh smells and leaves bottles very clean. The price of the product is very good.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to use, good instructions, easy storage, good value for money.

    • Weaknesses:

      Large tablets if only using 1/2 or 1/4, no where to store them.

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    These tablets are overall good for sterilising any feeding equipment. I have used them to sterilise breast pumps and bottles with no problems. The packaging is good and gives clear instructions on the box. Only disadvantage is that you don’t always need a whole tablet- depends on what you are sterilising and how much water to use. The tablets should come in different sizes in my opinion so those who are breastfeeding and only own 1-2 bottles don’t have to waste some of the tablet.
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  • 4.88/5
    • Strengths:

      No rinsing once sterlised.

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    Have a cold water steriliser and use these tablets. Fill up 5l of water and then add the tablet and after sterilizing for 15 minutes you can use product straight away.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Takes away stains

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I really like this product it is amazing. Takes stains off bottles, also takes musty smells away and I am always very confident that my bottles are very clean
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Perfect to take away on holiday

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    So easy to use and sterilise , I mainly use for cups and dummy’s get lots in and out easily, also so easy to tabs on holiday as small, I use in my mop to sterilise wood floor
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Helps keep my baby save from germs

    • Weaknesses:

      Have to change each day

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    The tablets are very easy to use and no mess which makes life easier when you have a small baby to care for. It defiantly saves lots of time as you just pop a tablet into the water and take out a bottle when needed so you have more time to spend with your little one.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Does the job!

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I love using these sterilising tablets as they do an excellent job with sterilising my baby bottles. The bottles come out to be clean and fresh once used the tablets. Good thing about the tablets are is you dilute it in water and you can have your bottles sterilised within 15 mins. I use the tablets a lot when I’m away on holiday. Easily dissolves into water. They are a bargain to buy. Very cost effective. Can be purchased in boots, Superdrug’s and any other local grocery shop such as asda, Sainsbury and Tesco’s.
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to sterilise bottle

    • Weaknesses:

      Bottles feels greasy after

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I started using this tablets after my son was 2.Very handy and easy to carry with you.An easy way to sterilise your kids bottle or cutlery.
  • 3.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to use, no horrid smell and easy to transport!

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    These handy little tabs are perfect for sterilising at home and on the go! They store well, do not take up any room and can be used with cold water too so no need to find a microwave! They smell good, work quickly and are very versatile, a must have for the changing bag or car for just in case!
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      So easy to use.

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    Simple and easy to use, just plop in a tablet and go, did lose numbers on my bottles but other than that these are perfect for busy mums.
  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      It smells great and is very easy to use.

    • Weaknesses:

      Not always easy to get out of the packet.

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    Milton Steriliser Tablets are great and easy to use.
    It can be used multiple times throughout the day and lasts up to 24 hours. Great because you don't have to make more. You can also come back to it later if you are busy.
    It is good for baby's feeding equipment, soothers and small toys. I use them to sterilise my sons toys and bottles.
    They are not always easy to get out of the packet. Sometimes when you try to separate the tablets from each other they both rip open. Not to much of and issue though.
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Quick and easy to use. Pop it in and you're done for 24 hours.

    • Weaknesses:

      None as of yet.

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    This way of sterilising has been a life saver and the best way I've tried.
    You just pop a table in and you're done for 24 hours. I sterilise everything I can that belongs to my baby. Cannot recommend it enough .
  • 5.00/5
    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    Used these they are brilliant, so easy to use while sterilising, no time wasted sorting bottles just a simple put in and leave until needed.
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Milton Steriliser Tablets are the ideal companion to ensure your baby's health and safety, thanks to their safe, easy and highly effective cold water sterilising process.


  • Easy to use tablets that sterilise in just 15 minutes
  • No-stir solution for preparation that is easy as can be
  • Dissolved tablet remains active for 24 hours, for multiple uses throughout the day
  • Double the concentration, for complete cold water sterilisation you can trust
  • Ideal for baby's feeding equipment, soothers and small toys

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