


The Thule 'Sleek Stroller' is a flexible and stylish 4 wheeled stroller, created for sharing city adventures with your baby.

Suitable for use from birth, the Thule Sleek Stroller has a reclining seat which can be used in three positions to give great comfort for when your child is sleeping, resting, or sat in an upright position. Also features a shock-absorbing suspension on all 4 wheels, the Thule Sleek Stroller guarantees a smooth ride on rough terrain. The front wheels can be taken off so the stroller can be folded to fit in the car.

Thule Sleek Stroller Extra Info For use with Thule Sleek Bassinet and infant car seat adapter.

Product Features:

  • Adjustable handlebar height
  • Simple compact fold with auto lock
  • Puncture proof, foam filled tyres
  • Rotating bumper bar
  • Large parent basket with zip-top cover
  • Ventilated canopy with UPF 50+ protection
  • Futureproof - can be expanded for siblings or twins

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