My son used these to help keep things moving while we sorted his allergies and illnesses out. Couldnt use all the pouch in the time given for the pouch to be open but from what we can use it seems very enjoyable.
Nice flavour, helps get things moving if child is backed up, easy for on the go
A bit expensive
Easy to prepare
Easy to digest
I got some of these as my son was a bit backed up I was a bit worried he wouldn't like them or eat them, but he loved them. They really helped get things moving. The only con with these is the price, I also got a supermarket brand for half the price and it worked just as well.
If you've ever worries that it's been a few days since your little one has done a big one, then look no further as these prunes will unblock the most stubborn blockage known to man.... At least they do for both my children. Apart from the obvious goodness and nutrition they provide and the fact that Ella's kitchen is made with the good stuff, these prunes are also a tool for if baby is struggling to go to the toilet. It still works on the 3 year old too. Don't get me a wrong, I'm not exactly a fan of the whole successful result thing as I'm sure you'll understand, but I happily choose that over an uncomfortable baby who just can't poop. Definitely recommend this for not only nutrition but also if baby needs a little help.
Offers your child a fruit that you possibly wouldn't routinly offer
Easy to prepare
Easy to digest
My baby loved this ellas kitchen first tastes fruit. It also gave me the opportunity to offer him a fruit that i wouldn't normally think to offer him. Not only that but prunes help bowel movement which is important especially when first introducing solids. Thought this was a really good first food to offer baby.
This is great when the little ones are just starting to eat and can sometimes get a little stuffed up. My baby seemed to like the taste. It’s quite messy and strongly coloured so if doing baby led weening beware but worth it to help little ones get comfortable again. You can get suoermarketnown brand for half the price however this is dependant on stores and this isn’t really expensive.
Now that baby has started on solids he is constantly constipated, I tried giving him gripe water to relieve his constipation but it didn't work so I turned to prunes. The only pure prune product that I found was Ella's prunes so I initially brought 4 pouches. Its quite a small sized pouch but that's all you really want to give baby as it does basically flush out his constipation. He seems to eat it really well and enjoys the taste although I tried a bit and I find it leaves a bitter taste in mouth. Its very runny but smooth, a lot of it falls off the spoon before it gets in his mouth and it makes an absolute mess when feeding him, his face is normally covered in it by the end of feeding. It takes a few hours for it to work through baby's digestive system so don't expect it to instantly work. I keep a bunch of these in the cupboard always now. These pouches work well with the pouch spoons. I don't know if they do a pack of these pouches as I couldn't find any although if they don't it would be handy if Ella's sold them in packs rather than individually.
We used these packets to help our daughter open her bowels more easily in early weaning. She loved them. Sweet. Easy to use on spoon or suck from packet. 90pence per packet - reasonably expensive. Prunes stain easily.
This was a good send when our baby had constipation! She loved the taste and it did the trick in those early days of weaning. She still loves it now and she's 18 months old today.