Could not have survived without this machine- it has been a life saver. It is extremely easy to use and makes bottles in a quarter of the time which you’d spend making up a bottle using boiling water and waiting for it to cool.
Within the click of a couple of buttons and seconds- you have a bottle which is ready to feed to baby and at perfect temperature also.
Definitely 10000% recommend to anybody preferring to bottle feed and is extremely handy during night feeds.
Quick, easy to use, convenient, easy to read led display
Water tank is small
Quality / Performance
Ease of use
When we received our perfect prep day and night machine, our little girl was 4 months old. I was a bit dubious about using it but thought we’d give it a go. I was pleasantly surprised with how good it is! It’s easy to use and very quick to make a bottle. I love the sleek design and it looks nice on a kitchen side. I can imagine how much easier doing feeds with a newborn would be with this machine, especially those in the middle of the night! The only thing is that the tank seems small but this is as we’re using 7 oz bottles now. I would highly recommend this to anyone that asks about it and wish we had one from day one!
Easy to clean, easy to operate, fast and efficient
A bit noisy, and the filters are quite expensive
Quality / Performance
Ease of use
Couldn't have survived the early weeks of motherhood without this gadget. So quick and easy to prep a bottle for baby. A lot quicker than using the kettle. Quick, efficient and accurate bottle sizes. Easy to clean and service
This machine is an absolute life saver. So easy to make a bottle while your half asleep. And for the bonus it makes the bottle to exactly the right temperature. New mums and dads this is a must have
Difficult to back out when mistake is made, can only use for 4oz above
Quality / Performance
Ease of use
This has been a godsend at 2am many many nights! Definitely a must have for new parents. So simple to use.
Only faults, no warning when filter needs changed it just comes up saying it needs changed. When you make a mistake you have to cancel it out and then wait for 2 mins before restarting, with a screaming baby it's not ideal.
Easy to use, makes milk in a matter of minutes, milk is at the right temperature
Quality / Performance
Ease of use
An absolute must have for all mums who bottle feed their baby. I have a ‘Hangry’ baby who will yell for milk once she is hungry. This machine is an absolute lifesaver, especially at 3am in the morning, and more so as we live in a flat. The feed is made at the right temperature in a matter of a few minutes.
It is quick to use and so easy to keep clean.
The only downside is it is still quite noisy when it makes the milk. However this is a small price to pay for its ease of use. We wouldn’t live without ours.
I absolutely love my day and night prep machine and it is easily the best purchase I made. I didnt intend or think i needed this product as I planned to breastfeed exclusively however unfortunately that didnt go to plan so I had to bottle feed baby. I wasnt a fan of the whole making a bottle at silly oclock and did some research and found out about this and it has been a godsend. The bottles are made in 2 mins or less and it really does save so much time. I also love the fact that the water is filtered so i know that baby is getting a pure clean drink. It may be pricey but I cant stress enough how for the convenience alone it is worth every penny.
Amazing product ! Would not be without this! It’s so easy to use and so quick to make up my daughters bottles!
Worth the money and would recommend this to anyone! The only downfall is the beeping is quite loud but still we look past that as everything else is faultless
I debated on whether it was necessary to buy one of these... but honestly it’s my favourite buy! So easy, basically idiot proof! I felt like a kid getting a toy! And it’s a lifesaver for on demand feeds. It tells you exactly what to do so when it’s 3am and your brain is still asleep you know you can’t get it wrong. I have complete trust that it’s clean as it tells you when it needs to be descaled, needs a clean and a new filter. My son never has a chance to cry hysterically anymore as I am able to get a feed done and to him very quickly from the first signs of hunger. So less stressed out baby = less stressed out mum! I have set up a “Tommee feeding station” along with their electric steriliser from the closer to nature start kit. I love it! Must have!
This is a must have product for bottle fed babies, I don't know how I managed the first month without it. Makes a bottle in under 2 minutes and makes them to the perfect temperature which means no more dunking bottles in cold water waiting for them to cool.
Makes night time feeds a breeze knowing you just need to press a button and add the powder leaving the hard work to the machine :).
This prep machine has changed the way we feed our babies. It's so fast and basically idiot proof. The bottle is always the correct temperature and makes a stressful job one of ease. Day to day life is had enough when trying to look after one baby let alone 2, so with this just making one less thing to worry about. It's great.
This was bought for me as a present for me when I had my son. I had never made a bottle the old fashioned way but I love this. It's very fast and quick to make a bottle. It pours out enough boiling water and cool water to make the bottle the perfect temperature for the milk to be added and be drank straight away. No more waiting for the water to cool and have a screaming baby.
I could not live without this!!! When baby is screaming for a bottle at silly o clock in the morning it makes a bottle so quickly and straight to perfect temperature! The tank seems to last few bottles before ot needs refilling. Only downside is the.cost of the filters but to be honest for the pure brilliance of the machine i would pay it! I cant imagine making bottles the old fashioned way wothout one of these.
A little loud during the night. Small water section. Filter cleaning process is long.
Quality / Performance
Ease of use
This product was the best product we bought for our baby. If you are formula feeding baby, I highly recommend this as your first purchase. It is totally worth the money. It takes about 2-3 minutes to make up a bottle (I am now on 7oz) and feel that this product was a lifesaver for me and my baby girl. The only negative I do have is that cleaning process is quite long.
Perfect for using in the middle of the night as it glows in the dark
Doesn’t allow a smaller feed than 120 mls
Quality / Performance
Ease of use
I loved this product from the moment my husband bought it. It’s a lightweight machine but makes formula milk ready in 2 minutes which saves so much time, especially when you have a baby crying for food. It’s easy to use and very hygienic.
Honestly this is the most amazing thing I’ve ever got in so worth the money is great for when you’re doing night feeds as it only takes a matter of minutes. The only thing I would say it sometimes it can put to much water in the bottle so just make sure you keep an eye however amazing ??
Disturbing alarm which sounds inbetween the hot water and cool
Quality / Performance
Ease of use
After having my son 7 years ago and had to do the boil the kettle and get it cool enough while baby is screaming...those days are gone with the prep's amazing it's been a totally different experience with my now 4 month old..cannot recommend enough every new parent needs one of these in their life!
Amazing product has literally saved my life. Before I got one of these I was boiling a kettle waiting 30mins for it to cool add the milk powder then putting in cool water to cool the bottle down while my baby screams for food. With this its bam bottle done ready to feed as soon as it finishes! Best thing I ever bought and recommend to anyone.
I can’t imagine feeding my baby without this perfect thing! Extra quick, that’s especially important at night, when you are sleepy, and very easy to use it! I highly recommend it to moms and dads. That’s really useful thing if you choose bottle feeding.
We love our perfect prep machine - it’s a life saver especially at night ! Easy to use , great idea .
Price is a little high but I would say it’s worth it !
Does it for you, milk is perfect temp, has different ounce settings
When filter is new takes a very long time for water to run through.
Quality / Performance
Ease of use
Even at 13 months we still use this on a daily basis. We use it to fill is water bottle up aswell. It's super easy to use, my main concern was the temperature when doing his milk so this was perfect as It always comes out the right temperature. It has a clean cycle so no manual cleaning just hit the button and off it goes. It also tells you when the filter needs to be changed. The only annoying bit was when I was supplementing my breastmilk for formula the filter needed changing and it took a long long time for the water to run through.
This has been a life saver for me as my baby would just want feeds at random time and having to wait for the kettle and for it to cool down was a nightmare and in the night it was the worst thing ever having to spend more time awake making bottle and waiting for them to cool down, this is the best thing ever I live it so much and made my life so much easier.
We bought the perfect prep machine for my youngest it was the best thing I ever did. He was a hungry baby and this makes bottles in under 2 minutes. Makes night feeding easier as well I would definatly recommend to any knew mums and dads who plan to bottle feed .... definatly worth the money.