Walking into a baby shop with no idea of what pram i wanted and just fell in love with my icandy peach 3 cartel! Its so modern and stylish everyone says how lovely it is! Its so easy to push and it super spacious with a huge shopping basket. Only down fall is it can scratch easy when getting in and out the car and general use as being black it can show up more. But im still in love after 4 months of daily use with my daughter.
Great for off roading and can be pushed with one hand.
Can be difficult to fold down at times.
Easy to steer
Value for money
Easy to fold
Built to last
We love out Icandy travel systems. It’s great for going off roading when walking the dog and can be pushed with one hand. Our son loves the carrycot so much that he sleeps in it at night. The only downside is that it can be difficult to fold down at times.
Suitable pram for All weather's, easy to steer and it has a large basket underneath
The pram is a very big pram, every accessory you buy for the pram is quite expensive.
Easy to steer
Value for money
Easy to fold
Built to last
I loved the icandy peach however the pram was really big so I struggled in places. I found it quite difficult taking the carrycot off and putting the seat unit on. The pram is very hard to transport because it is really heavy (even just the frame alone). However, the pram is good because the wheels are large and are suitable for all weather's and the Footmuffs you can get for the pram are very cosy for babies.
I have always loved the icandy peach style and i was so happy when we received ours, the pram pushes like a dream, the colours and styles are lovely, the pram will last through so many stages of little one growing, i wouldn't go to another brand now, the only thing that bugs me is having to take apart into 2 pieces to fold, but the carry stap helps with this.
Had an icandy with my daughter wh9 is now 5 would love to get one for my 14 week old little boy absolutely love icandy so so easy to pushchair and got on with the designs are beaut :D
The need to buy car seat adapters and footmuff seperately when the pram costs so much.
Easy to steer
Value for money
Easy to fold
Built to last
I love this. I would recommend it. My LO has slept in the carrycot piece on holidays. I love how it folds. Its a lovely pram. Had to buy adapters for the car seat and a footmuff but thats my choice. The leather handle us very comfy. The pram us very light to carry too.
Omg I had the icandy Apple with my little girl who is now 8 and I have fallen pregnant again now and my pram has got to be icandy again one of the best prams out they built to last and so nice to look at, easy push I love it
Absolutely great pram love it can be either single or double isn't overly heavy while got 2 children in either lovely range of colours to choose from and loads of matching accessories.
This Pram is easy to use. It can be steered easily with one hand? Folds without any problem.
The Pram base Andrew jogger seat can’t be folded as a one piece.
Easy to steer
Value for money
Easy to fold
Built to last
I love my icandy peach Pram. It was purchased in 2017 and is therefore not the newest model however I could not fault the product I have. It can be easily steered with one hand. The basket underneath is a good size and doesn’t have any bars stopping full access. It can be easily folded and the shoulder strap makes it easy to lift in and out of the car. The only down side is that it has to be split in to two parts, the seat must be taken off, to fold. Not ideal if it’s raining as I find i need to put the seat on TVs ground while I fit the base of the Pram in to the car.
absolutely love my pram! I have this in butterscotch and i haven’t seen a pushchair I love as much as this one ! Easy to fold down and up and fits perfectly in the boot. Fits most car seats with the adapters and an all round amazing pram! Would always recommended icandy products, doesn’t come with a parasol or clamp but is available to buy.
Strengths are definitely that it's so easy to push and also you can fit alot underneath
It is bulky so it's about hard on public transport
Easy to steer
Value for money
Easy to fold
Built to last
It's a great pushchair
Easy to use and push
You can have it rear facing or forward facing
You can change the colour of the liners
Plenty of room underneath for shopping
And most importantly the baby looks comfortable.
Easy to manoeuvre, folds small, comes in different colours, you can buy accessories and spare parts
Seat doesn’t fold with the frame
Easy to steer
Value for money
Easy to fold
Built to last
I love my icandy peach pushchair, I bought it for when my second child comes along. So I can have a double buggy with my toddler. I have been able to try this out as a double with my best friends baby. It is easy to manoeuvre and get up and down curbs with 2 kids it fits through door ways very easily, is easy to fold and fold small.
One negative I do have is that the seat cannot be folded with the frame and the seats are quite big once frame is folded, they do not sit neatly on top of the frame.
However I love that you can get replacements parts for it and it comes in different colours.
You can fold the chassis with one hand and it is compact
The carrycot can be hard to remove from the chassis
Easy to steer
Value for money
Easy to fold
Built to last
The ICandy Peach is easy to manoeuvre with it's all terrain wheels. It is light to push and get over kerbs. The chassis folds easily with one hand and fits in the boot of my small car.
I do find the carrycot hard to remove from the chassis but this may be due to me being small.
I also like the fact you can get adapters to attach any car seat.
Storage space, ease of use, ease of folding down, design, compatible accessories, height, durability
Value for money, having to buy accessories separately
Easy to steer
Value for money
Easy to fold
Built to last
Overall, I would rate this product 9/10.
It is a beautiful design, coming in a range of colours. It is durable and can last for years to come. It is easy to fold down and manoeuvre.
The disadvantages are minimal but the price is pretty hefty when you purchase the accessories separately and it is heavy to carry once folded down.
So easy to use, great for school run just push with one hand. Big basket great for shopping. Carry cot and seat are great size and look comfy. Easy to fold and lay the seat back. (Good for bumpy paths) good brakes (doesn't slide like some pushchairs) easy to get on and off buses. Carry cot is like having a cot on wheels, padded and soft and doesn't collapse like some do so is great if your going away as dont have to take a travel cot (up to at least 6 months).
I have the twin I candy peach as a twin mum I needed something that wasn't to heavy and easy to set up, a set of adaptors connects car seats, carry cots & buggy seats, sometime it can be tricky to unclip the adaptors that's just a small problem...it's fab for folding you can do it with one hand the you have a carry strap that's easy to lift into the car...my only fault is my handle has snapped which is seemingly a common fault but you can get this sorted through I candy at a cost and also get you pram serviced at cost but it's fab as your buggy can last till you child out grows it.
Fab pushchair easy to use and eye catching.. My little boy loved this pram.. Really lightweight. Lots of comments on it and the bar my little boy loves to pull himself up.
Strong and durable. Easy to push on all surfaces from pavements to muddy fields.
Expensive to buy accessories and scratches easily
Easy to steer
Value for money
Easy to fold
Built to last
Beautiful pushchair. I love it. Pleasing on the eye. We took it on holiday and was able to use the carry cot for our 6 week old baby to sleep in which is fab for space saving/luggage. Handle height is adjustable.... fab for older siblings to "help" push. Large basket. We haven't got to the seat (6months plus) but it looks fab to me. Only down side to the seat unit is the whole seat reclines but not the foot rest so baby is still in sitting position once reclined.
I did use mummy clips on the buggy but it scratched it so they soon came off.
Would highly recommend this buggy. We have had many compliments.
I have used this product now for two of my children and it remains in excellent condition. The large wheels make the prank easy to steer and it is very sturdy. I feel my baby is completely safe during its use. It looks very stylish and has lots of room in the basket below to hold several items for my baby and toddler. The only downside to this product is it’s heaviness, making it difficult to lift in and out of the car. But in saying this, the heaviness helps to make the pram so sturdy and safe.
Brilliant double pram that doesn't have children side by side so you can fit through any door way et
Expensive but worth the cost
Easy to steer
Value for money
Easy to fold
Built to last
I am in love with my icandy peach pram, it is lightweight, easy to steer , long lasting, even my 3 year old seats in the basket at the bottom when his legs are hurting, we have another little one on the way so will be a double, but it's no problem because the new born car seat is at the bottom so you can see baby directly infront of you and your oldest is at the top enjoying the view, 120% the best pram iv ever used.
I love this pushchair it's one of the best I've ever had it's so eat to manuver about I love going for walks and have found that the wheels don't stick or get jammed like others I've had it's easy to fold great product.
Easy to push super smooth on all pathways and grass, a little hard to fold down if you don’t have both hands free but my little one loves the comfort of it all.
You have to buy all accessories separately e.g. cup holder etc
Easy to steer
Value for money
Easy to fold
Built to last
Its an absolutely amazing pram, definitely worth ever penny. Very easy to push and turn, folds small and very easily. It's great it can also be converted into a double which saved on money and hassle of buying a new pram if you want to add another little bundle to your family. It's very sleek and stylish too.
The iCandy Peach Pushchair is lightweight and features a one hand fold mechanism for ease of use.
The Peach benefits from 3-position outward and inward facing modes. Included is a raising mechanism which in parent-facing mode heightens the seat unit enabling increased interaction between you and your child.
In outward facing mode, the pushchair can be transformed into an additional seat when out and about for example at restuarants, or at the dining table when at home.
Choose between 6 different seat positions. Also included is a large shopping basket which holds up to 5kgs and a seat unit rain-cover.