

iCandy Peach Pushchair

Member ratings
308 reviews
  • Excellent
  • Good
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Rating /5
  • Easy to steer
  • Value for money
  • Easy to fold
  • Built to last
  • 3.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to steer. Easy to remove pram seat for folding.

    • Weaknesses:

      Bulky when folded. Heavy to carry

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I love my icandy peach. It's easy to fold and easy to steer. It is heavy to carry once folded but comes with a carry strap yo make it easier.
  • 4.13/5
    • Strengths:

      Light but sturdy

    • Weaknesses:

      Bulky when folded

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    Overall a lovey pram. Very bulky and heavy when in folded mode but very light to push when in use. I use this in double for my two girls at the moment and have always loved it.
  • 4.25/5
    • Strengths:

      Very sturdy, easy to fold, nice big under storage basket, very easy to push and move around.

    • Weaknesses:

      A little bulky & a little heavy when folding and lifting

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    A very nice pushchair one of the best I have used, lots of space underneath for shopping or baby stuff whatever you choose. Very nice to push and move around, is slightly heavy when folding and lifting and a little bulky but all in all it’s a great buy! Also great that can be used as a single or converted into a double buggy (peach 2) also very stylish.
  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Folds small

    • Weaknesses:

      A little heavy

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    Absolutely love this pushchair, I received it 18 months old from my sister, folds up nice and small, multiple positions for the pushchair, it’s a little heavy but nothing unmanageable, great pushchair.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Everything, the breaks are really good, spacious, comfortable

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I love this pushchair ideal for un even roads , very comfortable for little ones as well as mums , easy to fold and open, spacious ideal for long walka
  • 3.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to steer, looks lovely

    • Weaknesses:

      Pain to close, too heavy

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    Got this product before I had the baby. At the time I thought it was great. Quick to fold apart easy to steer but now I have RA and I find it very hard to close down, buttons are very stiff to recline or take off. Very heavy and bulky takes up all my car boot (1seriesbmw) I feel like my son doesn’t fit in anymore either he’s a very small 2 year old. Luckily he doesn’t sit in it very much now wants to walk. Only keeping it as I’m due another baby soon and have got the full set.
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      So easy

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I love my icandy I love that it is British and so easy to use and it looks so good
    Everyone always tells me how good it looks and it’s so light weight and easy to folded up and down you can also add bit to it like the cup holder and can have more then one if you want
    Also love the you can make the seat higher so your baby can be closer to you and you can also add your car seat to the frame by just using the adapter
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  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Being able to change to a tandem double

    • Weaknesses:

      Finding somewhere to store it

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I absolutely love love love this pushchair system! It has been perfect for my growing family. When I found out o was pregnant with my second I was so nervous about having to take out a double buggy but the icandy peach has made it so easy!
    I was able to use it before my daughter was born in single mode and now with both my children.
    The basket is a brilliant size even with the bottom carrycot or seat. I don’t drive so getting on public transport was a big thing to consider and again it’s been amazing.
    Only downfall for me is that I have a small house and I have trouble finding a place to store it. But we manage and it’s completely worth it.
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  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      The pushchair is great at going anywhere and everywhere! Looks great! Functions well and looks great

    • Weaknesses:

      Sometimes challenging to fold

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I love the bright vibrant colour packs available. We have red and it always gets complimented. Pushes well on all Tremaine and has a huge basket to hold all our bits (or gets used as a second seat for my 4 year old.. Hahah). Well built and trusty pram to pushchair and folds flat with seat unit attached, parent and World facing! Which is super handy for getting the pushchair in and out of the car quickly!
  • 4.25/5
    • Strengths:

      Comfortable, easy to steer

    • Weaknesses:

      Chrome marks very easily, not great off-road

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    We are still going with our peach, 2 and a half years on and he still fits in the pram fantastically.
    It is very easy to use, fold down and easy to change round as baby becomes older.
    It does state less than others but it’s quite hard to steer off-road, but SO easy on pavement, I can use one hand.
    We got the chrome feature and that’s the only downfall as it marked from about a week in which I was so upset by for the price, but I guess that’s what you get for buying chrome. So I’d advice going for the black rather than the chrome but other than that we’ve had great success.
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to fold And not too heavy but sturdy

    • Weaknesses:

      Takes up fair amount of room even when folded

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I loved this pushchair... it was very sturdy yet steering was lightweight and easy
    Easy to take apart and clean
    The frame is easy to take apart and love the carry handle so easy to take with you
  • 4.38/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to steer, comes in nice colours, replacement parts are easy to buy

    • Weaknesses:

      Could be cheaper, hood is really noisy when not up, frame scratches really easily.

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I highly rate this pushchair, even though it is pricey compared to some that offer the same sort of thing. The carrycot is a brilliant size, I have big babies and usually they outgrow the carrycot by 6 weeks but my son has been in his for 14weeks now and only just outgrowing it. Its fantastic to push, and not really very heavy atal, there is plenty of space in the basket however this could maybe be made bigger?! (can never have too much space!) overall a brilliant pushchair and I would highly recommend!
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  • 4.38/5
    • Strengths:

      Very easy to manoeuvre over all terrain. Built to last. Replacement parts available to buy.

    • Weaknesses:

      Hood is noisy!! Heavy.

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I love how easy it is to push and it goes over all terrain with no bother. It's a very very sturdy pram that is built to last. The handle is adjustable for shorter and taller people.

    The basket is spacious although not easily accessible with the carry cot but fine with the seat unit attached. The mesh on the basket can get easily damaged and fades in the sun over time.

    Collapsing is easy. But some may find it annoying that they have to take off the seat or carry cot first. Once collapsed it is quite heavy so if you have to walk a distance to your car, this may be a strain for some. Especially as you'll have 2 separate bits to carry. Opening up is very quick and easy.

    Using the correct car seat adaptors, you can add many different car seats to the chassis.

    The hood is very, very loud and noisy on the peach 2. It is so loud, it distracts and disturbs the baby! I really can't understand how something so expensive has such a design flaw!

    Overall, I would never pay full price for one of these. I bought it second hand and despite all that's wrong with it, I'm happy with how much I paid. Resale value on these prams is also good so that was something I took into consideration when purchasing.
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to fold

    • Weaknesses:

      Stickers peek off after time

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    Love this pram, it’s easy to fold and put together. It folds up small enough to fit in my car (corsa). Easy to push and also front facing and back facing available. Could also be a double pram and also attachments for car seat. Only trouble stickers come of quite easy on the side.
  • 4.13/5
    • Strengths:

      This pram is easy to manover and also easy to get to both babies. Both babies can be seen.

    • Weaknesses:

      It's alittle heavy. And quite pricey for multiple babies due to added cost of extra cots ect.

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I tested quite a few prams when I found out I was having multiples as I wanted to know I would be able to cope with the weight and manoverability of it. It's very easy to assemble which was also a huge plus as with twins I did not want to be there for hours trying to fit everything. It also means I can change the seats to carry cots or car seats for the frame and with one click it's all done. I also liked how you can see both babies when pushing the pram, unlike alot of others where one baby would be facing away from you. I would recommend this product if you have the funds for multiples.
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  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Full travel system with car seat adaptors

    • Weaknesses:

      Not much space under the seat when child is face forward

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I have used this travel system since birth and will continue to use it for as long as I can, it comes with various accessories so that you can adjust as your child grows. Great purchase and my daughter loves it!
  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to close and assemble

    • Weaknesses:

      Wheels too big

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I loved this pram. I loved the colour, how easy was to move around. Very comfortable and very stylish. Would really recommend for new moms
  • 3.88/5
    • Strengths:

      Lovely to steer (one handed which is great) easy to collapse also one handed

    • Weaknesses:

      To have car seat or turn into a double you have to buy extra connections, it’s a lot to carry around

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I love this pushchair I’m so glad I got it with my first child, it’s lovely to steer really smooth, it looks great there is lots of bit to add to make it easier like the foot muff and cup holder. It turns into a double if you need it to the only down side it the clips you have to buy, and then remember to take out with you!
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to steer, sturdy

    • Weaknesses:


    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    Absolutely love the icandy range! Just brought the all black icandy peach 3 for my baby due in May. This will be my 3rd icandy as I also had them with 2 of my other children. Very easy to steer, stylish, easy to fold, easy to change pram to pushchair. Faces both ways also.
  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Strong, stylish, easy to steer/push, used as a sleeper also

    • Weaknesses:

      Expensive, chassis quite heavy to carry with strap when folded

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    We bought the carrycot and pushchair for our daughter. Love the style and shape of the pram, it was the first thing that attracted us to it. It also came highly recommend by friends and now I would also recommend to others. We use the carrycot for our daughter to sleep in downstairs aswell as to take her out in, its fantastic. As she is only 5weeks we haven't used he pushchair part yet but again we love the look of it and we are sure it will be as good as the rest. The pram is easy to steer/push. It's big and sturdy and seems very comfortable for my daughter. I can fold it up and down no problem now after some practice, the only thing I struggle with is the weight of the chassis to carry on the strap.
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  • 3.75/5
    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    Brought in preparation for baby as am currently pregnant. Chose it for the robust wheels, love the look of it and that you can have it forward or rear facing.
    Downside is I would have loved to have gotten a matching car seat to have a complete set, which is something they dont currently do.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to fold and push

    • Weaknesses:


    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I have the icandy peach black jack double. This pram is great for my twins and also holding my toddler on reins whilst pushing
  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Well built, easy to push

    • Weaknesses:

      Found it difficult to fold at first but got used to it after a while

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    Excellent brand , worth all the money. I've had my I candy peach truffle for 8 months and it is lovely to push and is able to turn corners easily.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      The wheels are big and robust. It folds easily with a shoulder strap.

    • Weaknesses:

      Quite heavy.

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I purchased the I Candy Peach (Royal and tan colour) for my first child. We tried out lots of well known brands but found this was by far our favourite due to size, aesthetics, durability and ability to be converted into a double buggy. I love how modern it looks, that the wheels are robust and strong and that pushing it is so smooth and easy on any surface. It folds incredibly easy and the chassis can be lifted using the shoulder strap. I am now expecting baby number two. I have converted the buggy into a double. This has saved a lot of money and looks great. We can’t wait to use it. Things to consider: the hood is quite short so sun exposure in summer is an issue. We have resolved this by buying an umbrella for the pram. When converting to a double we had to buy a smaller carry cot and converter seat as the ones we purchased first were too big. I would advise you to buy this pram but purchase the smaller versions for your first child to save money in the long run. I would defiantly recommend.
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  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      I love how robust this pram is, it feels incredibly safe on all terrain & has been designed to last!

    • Weaknesses:

      I struggle to collapse the pram back down sometimes.

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    My partner and I were a bit hesitant to purchase this pram initially as the price tag is enough to make anyone question it, however the reviews were so great we decided to bite the bullet and boy was it worth it! We purchased the travel system in Butterscotch with chrome chassis, it looks so elegant and it super easy to change from bassinet to car seat (and eventually the seat when LO is big enough). The design has clearly been thoroughly thought through and it’s an absolute pleasure to push, you get a really smooth glide due to the large wheels. The frame is a little heavy but we didn’t want a lightweight stroller and this doesn’t effect our view on the pram at all. Absolutely love it!
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The iCandy Peach Pushchair is lightweight and features a one hand fold mechanism for ease of use. 

The Peach benefits from 3-position outward and inward facing modes. Included is a raising mechanism which in parent-facing mode heightens the seat unit enabling increased interaction between you and your child.

In outward facing mode, the pushchair can be transformed into an additional seat when out and about for example at restuarants, or at the dining table when at home.

Choose between 6 different seat positions. Also included is a large shopping basket which holds up to 5kgs and a seat unit rain-cover.

Car seat compatibility:

  • Maxi-Cosi Cabrio Fix
  • Maxi-Cosi Pebble
  • Maxi-Cosi Pebble Plus
  • BeSafe iZiGo
  • Kiddy Evolution Pro 2
  • Cybex Aton Q
  • Cybex Cloud Q
  • Nuna Pipa
  • Ricaro


  • Rain cover, shopping basket
  • Adjustable handlebars
  • Compatible with car seat
  • Dimensions H95-105 x W72 x D60cm
  • Dimensions (folded) H70 x W60 x D28.5cm
  • Facing position Front and Rear

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