

iCandy Peach Pushchair

Member ratings
308 reviews
  • Excellent
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Rating /5
  • Easy to steer
  • Value for money
  • Easy to fold
  • Built to last
  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Sturdy, good looking pram with good basket size, option to double up

    • Weaknesses:

      Loose a lot of basket space when using as a double pram

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I absolutely love this pram! It is nice to look at and comes in a variety of colour options. I have used it for 2 and a half years as a single pram and it has survived cobbles, country walks and holidays. It is well built and the chunky wheels means it glides over most surfaces. The basket size is good. The adjustable handle is lovely to hold & doesn't feel flimsy when you've loaded the basket up underneath. The pram seats are spacious for little ones, yet not too bulky, whilst the quality & sturdiness show through once it becomes well used, with a quick clean they look like new. The pram is easy to fold and has survived many trips and holidays away without any damage. I have just started using the pram as a double and love how I can continue to use all the pieces I already have and despite there being the extra weight of another seat (and a small human) it is still easy to push. The only downside to this system is that we have lost a lot of basket space, as the lower pram seat currently sits within it. I would highly recommend this pram to anyone looking at options for single or double prams.
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  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Quality stability and smooth

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    This pram is perfect for everyday use weather that’s walking or public transport or in the car seats are big and carry cot my son loves it so comfy.
  • 4.25/5
    • Strengths:

      Sturdy design

    • Weaknesses:

      Scratches easily and bulky

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    Overall pram is great just bulky and frame scratches easily, it’s durability is great otherwise big seat unit and basket is big.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Strong, durable, easy to put up & down.

    • Weaknesses:


    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I loved this pram. I used it with both my children. They always looked comfy & snug. It steers really easy & is very durable with many Forrest walks done with it!
  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Stylish design, great range of colours, comfy, easy to fold

    • Weaknesses:

      Back wheels are super wide. Fabric stains easily in lighter colours and

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    It looks amazing, it is probably the most iconic push chair of the moment. Its like pushing around a designer handbag. It looks expensive (because it bloody is!) and it makes motherhood feel just that little bit more classy.
    It is easy to assemble and collapse.
    I enjoy the smooth clicking action of the handle when you pull it out (weird but its the little things).
    I like the handle on the carry cot that clips on and off (like a roll bar). This helps with moving the heavier carry cot attachment in and our of the car.
    The carry cot part of the pram can be used as a bed for a few nights (they suggest only 2 nights but I have used it for 4 consecutive nights at Center Parcs with no issues).
    The upright buggy attachment is nice and soft and squidgy.
    The clips on the buggy are easy to use and don't feel like they are going to catch my baby's skin.
    The rear wheels are removable for cleaning and all the wheels clean up really well.
    The hood from the carry cot can be removed and put onto the buggy part of the pushchair.
    The handling of the buggy is super smooth.
    The cost- it is a really expensive pram and although I love it, realistically it isn't worth the price.
    The rear wheels are MASSIVE and stick out like a mile, this caused me to run over a good few stranger's feet at the start of my outings with the buggy!
    The buttons at the side of the buggy to adjust the tilt of the attachment and to remove the attachment from the frame are stupid... I feel that they just should be the other way around (if you have ever used one you might see my point) the large outer circle should control the tilt and the centre button should release the attachment... I really don't know why... it would just make more sense.
    The covers are 'wipe clean only' I really wanted to be able to bung the zippy cover on the top of the carry cot in the wash... I didn't risk it and it does have some marks on it from being outside.
    The chrome sides of the buggy scratch soooo easily.
    I object that not all of the accessories are included in the mammoth price tag, I want a parasol, cup holder and a parasol/cup holder adaptor..... WHY should I pay extra to protect my baby from the sun or drink my coffee.... both things are pretty much essential!
    It does not fold down small. I used to have a Mini... back in my old life where I had just one older child.... now I have a Honda because the boot space would not accommodate my pushchair (alongside a long list of other reasons but still..... it does not fold down small!)
    I recently purchased a buggy organiser which solves the issue of not having a place for my coffee. I also purchased an ICandy Palm sun protector .... it was way cheaper than the parasol option (£10) and in my opinion works better.
    I am glad that I chose a neutral colour ICandy as it will work for many babies to come. I feel as though you could buy this second hand but because of how easily the chrome wears it might be a little disappointing.
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Durability, folds easy, pushes at ease, good looking

    • Weaknesses:

      Bulky, can take up most of boot space

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    Had the icandy peach in blackjack and absolutely loved it, it served me well for my first 2 children and still have it now ( 4 years on) I plan on using it for my 3rd child also. This buggy is highly durable and built to last, very easy to push, lovely design. I love the fact that you just have to buy some adaptors and it can easily become a double too! The only tiny downfall is that o found it quite bulky once folded so it did use up a lot of my boot space. So happy with this pram would highly recommend.
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to steer, sturdy, comfortable for baby, can be parent/world facing, easy to clean

    • Weaknesses:

      Haven’t any to date

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    Prior to purchasing this Pushchair for my first baby I spent hours trying and testing out pushchairs in my local baby shop (I dare say they they got fed up of me until I made a decision) we decided to purchase this one and I’m so glad we did!
    I always went back to the iCandy peach despite testing different brands/models as it just felt smooth to push, sturdy and overall looked nice.
    We chose the Truffle colour which is great and easy to keep clean. I often hide/wash the pram frame down after our muddy walks and it comes up like new every time. I have washed the hood and seat lining with a damp cloth and it’s still like new - even a tough stain I managed to get out with no discolouration or marking!
    I like that you can lock the wheels which helps when going on more uneven terrain and provides baby which a much less bumpy ride!
    I use the Pushchair daily and continue to now my little one is 16 months old. I love I can have her parent facing when she is asleep yet it’s so easy to turn her world facing when awake.
    Good size storage basket underneath and holds a lot of weight!
    I feel the iCandy peach is a good all round product which is hardwearing and will last until my little one is much older! She is very happy and comfortable in the pram and will reuse in the future for further children
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Very sturdy

    • Weaknesses:


    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I absolutely love the iCandy. We purchased this before the baby was born and we thought it may be a bit too big, but it is an amazing pram that not only keeps your little one protected and safe, it also is very easy to steer and manouver. We have moved from the basinet to the seat quite early and little one loves being in it and being able to explore the world with the dual facing. Best buy for our baby by far!
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      I thought the strengh of the pram was better then any other pram i have ever owned

    • Weaknesses:

      I didnt find no weaknesses

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    Was every with my pushchair thought it was the best pram i have ever owned i would really recommend to anyone.. by far the best ?
  • 4.25/5
    • Strengths:

      It's easily changed from double to single

    • Weaknesses:

      It's heavy when going up and down curbs

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I had my icandys for many years and it kept it's value when it came to selling on. I had 3 in total as I kept going back to them after trying others as for me it was the most sturdy and most practical for my family.
    It could easily be changed from single to double for when your extending your family. The colours and designs are beautiful it is a real head Turner.
    The only down side is the new style rain covers go cloudy after a while but that's the only flaw I had with mine.
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  • 4.00/5
    • Strengths:

      It’s nice and strong

    • Weaknesses:

      It’s very pricey also scratches very quick

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I had the twin I candy pram it was quit difficult to put everything away in the car, it scratches a lot but it’s was good and comfy for the kids, it’s very sturdy and it’s very nice.
  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Built to last

    • Weaknesses:


    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    Love my icandy. Although is a pain that you have to take carry cot/seat off to fold. It’s a very strong pram and built to last.
  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Stylish comfortable modern

    • Weaknesses:


    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I love this pushchair. Only down fall I found was that back wheels needed replacing as the barrings went other than that I love it. Get so many compliments. The carry strap is a must have .
  • 4.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Looks snazzy, good quality (and looks it), versatile useage, adjustable handle height, good to push

    • Weaknesses:

      A bit of a faff to collapse, store and travel with. Seat not that big for taller toddlers. Expensive

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    This was the travel system we purchased when expecting our first. It's seen us through 2 children so far and is still going strong (although not exclusively used anymore). We bought as it allowed a car seat to be used with adaptors, a carry cot, seat can face either direction as well as the ability to add a second seat for an additional child. I love the look and the way it handles, it has also aged really well and still looks 'smart'.

    The handle is height adjustable, which is great for us taller bods, whilst also being great if shorter Nanna uses it.

    I purchased the adapter set to allow us to use when our second child arrived as there was just under 2 years between them. This gives great flexibility without the width. However, downsides are it is heavier to push, the second seat is shorter and does eat into the basket space (which wasn't huge to begin with). It got harder when both boys were a tad bigger as youngest wasn't always wanting to go at the bottom in the restricted view seat! Eldest also is on 91st centile for height and the seat was too short. so tandem mode was perhaps a nicer idea than a 6-8 month affair for us. I ended up buying a side-by-side double with bigger seats (baby jogger) as at 2.5 I still needed the option to contain my eldest, which the iCandy struggled with.

    All in all I love the pushchair, especially for children under 1. Would I choose it again though considering the price knowing what I do now? Maybe. Although I'd consider nearly new and avoid the tandem as I wouldn't get my money's worth. I also, after having a one fold pushchair, find it more of a faff having a two parter both in storing and putting in the car - but that's down to preference. I do love how solid and safe babies appear in the seat, though. It's certainly a well built piece of kit!
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  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to fold up and down, great for pram walks in park

    • Weaknesses:

      Heavy, bulky

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I love my pram as it’s easy to fold up and down makes life so much easier with a baby. Brilliant on pram walks when you go of track or places with out smooth surface.
    Heavy to get in and out of car. Very bulk when in shops. When attaching carry cot hardly any room to fit stuff at the bottom.
    Jet black find it great as you can’t see as many scratches compared to silver frame.
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Very sturdy. Easy to set up and fold away. Steers well

    • Weaknesses:


    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    Excellent buggy. Got this after reading so many positive reviews and attending a baby show. So far have only managed to use the carrycot attachment and our maxi cosi car seat as baby is too small for the main seat attachment. Got this buggy also as it can easily be converted with adaptors to hold a second child. Easy to attach the seat/carrycot and remove. Buggy frame is heavy (hence sturdy) but can easily be folded down with one hand once you have the hang of it. Fits into our Audi Q3 boot with ease. Holds shopping in the basket under the buggy as well as extras using a buggy clip. A great buy!
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  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:


    • Weaknesses:

      Soft metal (deep scratches)

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I suffer from hypomobitly so i need to replace my beloved silver cross as it was putting to much strain on my wrists.

    I instantly feel in love with the icandy its so easy to steer and sturdy but also light weight.

    I now have this as a double as we have two under two. Its honestly worth its money my only issue was that i had faulty rain covers what icandy replaced when i contracted them. Great pram and would highly recommend.
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  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      The handle extends, big basket

    • Weaknesses:

      Tricky to fold down

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I bought this pushchair because the handle extends to a height so that both me and my ridiculously tall partner could push our baby comfortably and without looking ridiculous. The colours and materials used are beautiful. The only issue is it doesn’t fold very small and is tricky to fold down until you get the hang of it.
  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Very easy to put up and put back down has good storage under easy to push

    • Weaknesses:

      The handle tears of easy

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    An awesome pram made for the busy mum enough room to go shopping . Lovely and light easy to push around not harsh on your back would definitely recommend to anyone.
  • 4.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Looks beautiful

    • Weaknesses:

      Heavy as double and scratches easily

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I purchased the icandy Peach blossom in Royal which looked stunning. I loved this pushchair as a single, it was easy to steer, fold and had a lovely big basket. I really didn’t like it in double mode it was really heavy, then had no basket space so I ended up selling shortly after purchasing.
    The seats are also quite small and I found my 1 year old at the time filled it. The chassis also scratches very easily which for the price is quite disappointing.
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  • 4.38/5
    • Weaknesses:

      Weak handle bar

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    Brilliant stylish push chair I love mine. I’ve had it 2 years the only problem I had was I had to have a new handle (£70) as the wire inside the handle snapped so o couldn’t fold the pushchair down. The new handle was easy to fit and I have had no problems since. It fits in the boot of my car with ease I have a 5 door Golf. It is so easy to fold out and fold away again. Both my children have been so comfy in this especially from newborn in the basket. We go walking regularly on bumpy tracks and the suspension on this push chair is fab it dosent bounce baby’s round at all.
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  • 4.50/5
    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    Got a icandy peach for my 3rd baby and I’ve gotta say it’s the best pram I’ve had. It’s lovely to steer And built solid. Baby seem to love it too.
  • 4.38/5
    • Strengths:

      Durability, this is built to last

    • Weaknesses:

      It is quite bulky, can take up a lot of space

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I bought my icandy in 2011. Since this time it has been the main pram for my child, plus 2 other family members babies. It has now been returned to me and I am using it for my son. This product has lasted well and is still as good as the day I bought it. I have not had to replace any parts like wheels etc. It is very easy to steer and is pleasing to the eye.
    That being said, it is quite bulky, I can’t fit the pram and my weeks shopping in the boot at the same time. It can also be annoying to build as you have to attach the different parts before finally attaching car seat. I also wanted to buy a new rain cover, universal ones don’t fit so you have to purchase an icandy one which is £30 off the website.
    I am glad I purchased the icandy For it’s durability.
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  • 4.38/5
    • Strengths:

      Fantastic durable quality, sturdy and well designed, wide range of cusomisable products

    • Weaknesses:

      A big travel system probably not suited to small cars, rather trickier folding

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    I bought the Icandy Peach in blackjack for my third baby, such a nice pushchair to handle, sturdy and solid frame, huge range of customisable features and really nice quality fabrics, big carrycot with very plush interior and large basket underneath, big seat unit for older children, and good scope for travel system compatibility with the maxi cosi adapters. It is a big travel system but still manages not to feel bulky and still handles well, somewhat trickier to fold but still overall very impressed.
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  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Great steering, robut, good size

    • Weaknesses:

      Heavy, folding not always that easy

    • Easy to steer
    • Value for money
    • Easy to fold
    • Built to last
    The pram is great for steering and is robust! The comfort for the baby seems good and the pram is longer /bigger then a lot of other prams I looked at.
    The pram is bulky and heavy so. Good sized boot is needed.
    The pram is built to last and the peach is great as can add on a second pram/Seat if you have another baby.
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The iCandy Peach Pushchair is lightweight and features a one hand fold mechanism for ease of use. 

The Peach benefits from 3-position outward and inward facing modes. Included is a raising mechanism which in parent-facing mode heightens the seat unit enabling increased interaction between you and your child.

In outward facing mode, the pushchair can be transformed into an additional seat when out and about for example at restuarants, or at the dining table when at home.

Choose between 6 different seat positions. Also included is a large shopping basket which holds up to 5kgs and a seat unit rain-cover.

Car seat compatibility:

  • Maxi-Cosi Cabrio Fix
  • Maxi-Cosi Pebble
  • Maxi-Cosi Pebble Plus
  • BeSafe iZiGo
  • Kiddy Evolution Pro 2
  • Cybex Aton Q
  • Cybex Cloud Q
  • Nuna Pipa
  • Ricaro


  • Rain cover, shopping basket
  • Adjustable handlebars
  • Compatible with car seat
  • Dimensions H95-105 x W72 x D60cm
  • Dimensions (folded) H70 x W60 x D28.5cm
  • Facing position Front and Rear

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