I have been taking these since I found out I was pregnant, they don't have the nasty taste that some large tablets have, which is great seeing as they're quite large because if you're struggling to swallow it because of the size it doesn't start to taste horrible in your mouth if it starts to dissolve (like paracetamol, for example). Having had 2 miscarriages previously I wouldn't go to a less known brand as I don't want to take any chances so although you can buy cheaper versions it eases my mind that I'm taking such a reputable brand.
I’m a lady who doesn’t like to take tablets as have always for some reason struggled to swallow them. When I found out I was pregnant I wanted to of course make sure I was doing the right thing so I invested in these and I really did struggle taking them due to the size they were to the point I would gag. If they were smaller it would be a 10/10 but due to the size I wouldn’t re buy unfortunately
I’ve used these vitamins in my pregnancy, but I found that cheaper own brands have the same amount of vitamins. I guess we pay for the name. I hope it really did help my pregnancy. Shame it’s all synthetic and nothing natural in it.
My midwife recommended these tablets, along with an extra dose of folic acid (for me). Although they are a little on the large size they have everything you need so you don't need to take anything else with them. I will definitely continue to take these and then move on to the other ones in the range when needed.
I started taking these as soon as I found out I was pregnant. Unfortunately, not long after I started suffering with hyperemesis gravidarum. I found that these tablets were way too big to swallow without making me vomit. So I had to stop. Pregnacare should offer a tablet with similar content but in a much smaller form. My midwife did advise taking these though as they contain more than any others on the market.
Lots of different vitamins pills brands out there
Pregnacare was recommended to me by my midwife
I used these pills all the way through my pregnancy which was very healthy and energetic
I took these tablets with my first born and now throughout with my second and had no problems. Helped me feel better in myself knowing I’m getting everything I need to keep myself and my baby healthy. However I do feel they should be a little cheaper as they are taken daily so is costly, especially when your saving for a baby.
Contains all the vitamins and minerals required for pregnancy.
Quite large tablet to swallow.
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Used pregnacare throughout my whole pregnancy and found I've feel great and full of energy. Negatives are that packs are slightly expensive and tablets are quite large which can be difficult to swallow is suffering with morning sickness.
Cover a whole load of vitamins needed in pregnancy
Made me feel a little sick.
Security / Hygiene
I used these vitamins throughout my pregnancy and even shortly after. I did feel that my energy and wellness levels increased and the tablets cover all the neccasary vitamins. The only downside was that the vitamins made me sick. Personally I had to take them certain times the day and struggled with foods. This however could have been just my pregnancy and not due to the tablets. They are a little pricey but worth it overall to know your body is receiving the right nutrients for baby.
When I start to know that I'm pregnant I start to drink this vitamins and have drink them for 4 months, later I buy the same just with omega. I think that they helped me to feel good in all my pregnancy period and my baby grow well also. The tablets size is nice, the taste also good.
I purchased 3 packs of these on special offer and took them with lunch one day, I was then very very poorly which I believe was the iron in the vitamins so I started taking them at night and it got a bit better but was still sometimes in well with them.
My friend takes them and she's fine, no tummy upset. My advice is if you take these and have any pre existing stomach issues take them with your evening meal after a day worth of food and if you feel poorly anyway don't take them that's day.
However they do contain all the vitamins you need.
In my first pregnancy I took a folic acid supplement but was recommended these by a friend for my second pregnancy. I have definitely noticed a boost in my energy levels since taking them! They have helped me to feel less lethargic and I feel the condition of my skin has improved too. The size of the tablet is quite large so if you have difficulty taking medication I would be wary. I have also found that you need to take these tablets on a full stomach (which can be hard if you can’t keep food down due to pregnancy sickness!) I will continue to take these through my pregnancy.
I was told to try these however, we soon found out that these tablets made my IBS worse so I had to stop. They are quite expensive when you can get vitamins through NHS for £1 which are the exact same. Does what it says though and contains all you need, just not suitable for me!
Maintains your body with all the right vitamins and minerals and keeps up your energy levels during pregnancy. Easy to swallow and doesn’t taste nasty!
I purchased these Multivitamins after stopping folic acid supplements. I’ve seen a major improvement in my hair, nails and generally my skin condition as a result of taking these tablets. I will continue to take them for a pregnancy and beyond because of the benefits. Prior to taking these tablets I had some issues with my hair growth and they seem to fix them all and my nails are nice and strong. I definitely recommend this product
Has all the requirements suggested by medical staff
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Started taking these as soon as we found out we were pregnant, on my first midwife appointment I still had some left so she told me to continuing taking them till finished as they had the same ingredients that the nhs ones did.
I bought these as everyone tells you that you need to take them, especially in early pregnancy. What people don’t tell you, and u less you read all the paperwork (which I’m bad for not doing)... it says take after food. THIS IS A MUST!!! Both myself and my sister were both sick after taking them until we realised that you needed to have food on your stomach.
I think that these are the best vitamins for pregnancy. I was using them and I had been given by my midwife. They contain every single vitamin which your body and your baby need.
Been taking since first finding out I was pregnant and my midwife told me I should take folic acid. They are a little pricey but I personally think they’re worth it as you know you’re getting the right amounts of vitamins each day.
I’ve tried incredibly hard to keep a healthy diet throughout pregnancy but it’s not always been easy as I’ve gone off quite a few foods. With these supplements though I’m still getting my dose of daily vitamins. My recent blood tests from the midwife show that my iron levels are higher than they’ve ever been in my life and my vitamin levels are perfect :) I can only put it down to the supplements and generally trying to eat as healthy as I can.
These tablets were absolutely fantastic while I was pregnant, they were an affordable price and they were available in most supermarkets and chemists, I was also able to carry on using them while I was breast feeding which was fantastic because I had only bought a new box just before I had my little boy, it’s also nice to know you are getting all your vitamins from one tablet!
When first finding out I was pregnant I was told you need to take folic acid, but my midwife recommended pregnacare original because it has so many benefits and helps give baby the best possible start. Though you can't tell a difference when taking them, I trust they were giving me and my baby all the goodness we needed. However these were not the easiest pill to swallow and it is quite big, and has a rather unpleasant taste and smell. But with each pregnancy I would 100% take these again.
You must take these on a full stomach or you get a stomach ache. I have swopped over from the conception ones once pregnant and they are pretty much the same except with less vitamin d but I take that seperately anyway because of pcos. Good for you and usually on 3 for 2 somewhere.
The Pregnacare Original Tablets has been developed with 19 important vitamins and minerals. Contains 400mcg folic acid and 10mcg vitamin D3 the exact level as recommended by the UK Department of Health. Pregnacare has been carefully developed by experts so that all ingredient levels are within safe levels for pregnancy.