
Member ratings
168 reviews
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Rating /5
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  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      A kit that has everything you’ll need and not too space consuming

    • Weaknesses:

      Pump broke in 2nd use, had to gorrilla glue it

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I love that this kit has everything you need, great for someone only espressing occasionally. The pump did break on my second use but I was able to gorrilla glue the part and it has worked perfectly ever since. The price point is ridiculously cheap for all the contents and it is compact to store easily, not overwhelmed with all these contraptions everywhere.
    I would recommend 100 times over.
    Even though i have now invested in an electric pump i still decant the milk in these bottles as they are the only ones my little boy has taken to and still use the steriliser for my other stuff , considering just these two things still it works out cheaper than if i bought these alone.

    Great kit!
  • 4.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Milk goes straight into bottle

    • Weaknesses:

      A lot of effort for the little amount of milk

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    This product is good for the price however it is a lot of effort when little milk comes out. It is also fiddly when sterilising.
  • 3.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Cheap, easy to use

    • Weaknesses:

      difficult to pump

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I bought this due to the price however I find it to be a lot of effort to use. Also , not enough milk comes out . I would recommend spending a bit extra to buy the electric range.
  • 5.00/5
    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    You’d think with the price compared to other pumps this would have its faults but I’ve had two now (different babies) and cannot find a single fault, it comes with a handy storage container that can double up as a cold water steriliser, small enough to store in your bag and take out with you and pump on the go with it being manual
  • 4.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to clean, works well

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    Purchased this for my 1st baby, we struggled to breast feed so i got this breast pump, it was easy to use, easy to clean, cant really fault it...
  • 3.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to clean and steralise, good price

    • Weaknesses:

      Lots of pumping for not much milk

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    Seemed quite difficult to use effectively. Pumping for a long time and not expressing much milk. I think it's worth spending a little more on an electric pump.
  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to take apart and clean, easy to use, straight into the bottle

    • Weaknesses:

      Can leak, takes a while

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    Good product overall but does take a while to pump milk. Easy to take apart and clean and you can pump straight into the bottle. Can sometimes leak onto you if not held at the right angle but overall works fine. Do prefer electric pump however.
  • 4.75/5
    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    This pump save me in the first week of breastfeeding.couln't make it with out it, it is a bit difficult to pump as you have to bend a bit but being the first time was good
  • 4.00/5
    • Strengths:

      puml straight into bottle

    • Weaknesses:

      disnt commect much milk using this pump

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    i bought this pump when breast feeding my daughter as she wasn't taking enough from the breast due to tongue tie. i wasn't able to express much milk using this brand so was given a new manual pump from my breast feeding advisor that was a different brand and produced at least double each pumping session with the other brand.
  • 3.88/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to Use and pumps directly into bottle

    • Weaknesses:

      Small leaks

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    First Time Mum breastfeeding for first time was unsure if I would be able to use but once got hang of it was very easy to use and helped with my supply in first weeks after baby born. Does take time to pump and can leak back on to you if not held at certain angle.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Compact and affordable

    • Weaknesses:

      Takes time to pump

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I purchased this pump to try before looking or spending money on an electric pump. I thought it was very good, it does take time to pump a small amount and your hand definitely gets a work out. It’s very easy to use and clean, the parts all come apart and back together easy enough, there are instructions on their website if need more help. The bottles fit nicely on the pump so can just remove and use or store. For the price compared to electric it’s very good and portable. Comes with its own sterilisation box. I’d recommend this product, especially when first starting out.
  • 3.00/5
    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    For me it wasn't very good. It's difficult to clean some parts and also I've struggled using it. It was very hard to express milk.
  • 4.13/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to store

    • Weaknesses:

      Difficult to pump

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I have used this pump with both my children and found it very difficult to pump. Pump has to be on breast at the correct angle to adequately pump milk. My hands got sore very quickly and I kept having to alternate hands. The pump was very easy to put together and take apart for cleaning and all comes with a handy storage tub.
  • 2.25/5
    • Strengths:


    • Weaknesses:

      Hard to clean, takes alot of work

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    It wasn't for me at all. The suction pad was too small and it ended up sucking my nipple into the mechanisms making it sore and harder to pump. This is great if you have a high milk supply and need minimal effort to get your milk pumped but I would consider getting an electronic pump for ease.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to transport and clean

    • Weaknesses:

      None i found

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    Loved this to travel with and relieve when very full! I was a bugger for forgetting to put the valve in once cleaned and try pump thinking it was broke but is amazing when all complete.
  • 3.25/5
    • Strengths:


    • Weaknesses:

      Awkward to clean, doesn't really work for me

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I bought this as a back up for my electric pump. I didn't expect it to be as effective but I did expect it to work!! I am barely able to pump any amount of milk using this, it is hard work and I don't feel like it suctions hard enough to stimulate the breast when you are pumping the handle. I also find that milk gets trapped in the lid area and if difficult to clean out. I get double the amount of milk using a silicone suction pump, much less work and more effective.
  • 2.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Not bad price

    • Weaknesses:

      Takes time

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I brought this for baby number 1, if I had my time again I would have brought an electric pump! I just stuck with this for my second child and again wish I brought an electric 1. It's not saying this pump is bad it's just it took me a long time to pump a small amount, it's not comfortable as your hand aches after a while and mine squeaks a bit! Having said this when I had a boob full of milk and a grumpy baby that would not lach on this was my saviour!
    I can't say I would recommend this but something that doesn't work for me may work for someone else.
  • 4.25/5
    • Strengths:

      light and easy to transport

    • Weaknesses:

      hard to clean

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I found this pump suited me really well. It suited my breast size well so i could get a good seal. I found it worked best when I held it firmly on with one hand and then used the other to work the handle. So it I needed 2 hands to use it effectively. i found it quiet hard to clean. But it was very light so I could take it away on holiday easily. For £15 ~(when on offer) its a great little pump.
  • 4.88/5
    • Strengths:

      Easily transported

    • Weaknesses:

      Gives you cramp after a while

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    This product was a god send when I went away without my little one for a weekend there was no embarrassing noises so I could do it whilst chatting to my girlfriends in our hotel room, however I did end up with cramp after one breast and struggled to do it left handed.
  • 4.38/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to use, light weight

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    The pump is very easy to use. I like that you can attach a bottle straight to the bottom of it. It's light weight and easy to keep clean. I do find that it takes quite a while to get a decent amount of milk out which isn't helpful when you have a hungry baby. I use the pump as a back up to breast feeding purely for the time it can take. The silicone pump is very comfortable to use and doesn't create sore nipples.
  • 3.38/5
    • Strengths:


    • Weaknesses:

      Takes time

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    This isn't the best pump I actually.prefer their older design. However it's handy to have as a spare or to take out with you. It's a bit time consuming but does eventually empty the breast. It feels like the handle doesn't push down far enough to create a large suction as it hits the bottle.
  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:


    • Weaknesses:

      Time consuming

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    <p>I’ve got both the manual and <a href="">electric Tommee Tippee breast pumps</a>. The manual is good but not as effortless as the electric. The good thing about the manual is that it’s practically silent so if you are expressing during the night you won’t disturb anyone. The pump also works well with the express and go pouches which can fit on to the pump.</p>
  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      It was good to be able to pump straight into the bottle.

    • Weaknesses:

      It was hard work pumping but that would be the same with any manual pump.

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    My little one was unable to latch properly so I ended up combination feeding with formula & expressed milk. With this pump I managed to express for 12 weeks. I was only planning on expressing occasionally & then this pump would have been perfect. As I ended up expressing more I wished I had purchased the electric version.
  • 4.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to clean

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I tried this manual pump initially as i wasn’t sure how much I would express but it is really hard on your hands to get much at all. It is easy to take apart and clean however sometimes it does leak a little bit. Obviously it is nice and cheap but maybe not suitable for someone who wants to be expressing on a regular basis.
  • 3.38/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to clean

    • Weaknesses:

      Lots of leakage

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I bought this pump while I was pregnant, I knew I wanted to breastfeed but didn't want to spend too much money as I didn't know if I could or would have any problems it was on sale in mothercare so the price was great. When I did come to use it, it was very easy to put together and sterilise as it comes with the box you can pop in the microwave. Using it however, I didn't find so easy. The suction on the pump was great, but I felt that I ended up with more milk down me than what went in the bottle, I did find that leaning over did stop this but obviously wasn't very comfortable and didn't really want to feel like a cow being milked. Then there was the cramp and ache in my hand, but obviously you would get this with any manual pump and there is no way around this. However saying that I could get around 2Oz each time I did pump but it did take a little while. I do personally prefer an electric pump, I seem to be able to get more out quicker and without spilling.
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The Tommee Tippee Manual Breast Pump has been designed to be discreet and comfortable and to help you along your breastfeeding journey.

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