
Member ratings
7 reviews
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Rating /5
  • Quality
  • Price
  • Easy to prepare
  • Easy to digest
  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      All the vitamins including iron in one, important for breastfed babies.

    • Weaknesses:

      Doesn't smell the best

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    Up until my little boy turned 1 I was using the multivitamin drops which were so handy and I loved that I only had to give a smaller amount so I was nervous to move on to this liquid version as it was 5ml at a time. Thankfully my boy loves the taste so he gobbles it up! I on the other hand tasted it and don't like it at all so I'm so glad he does.
    This can be pricy so I try to get it on 3 for 2 offer in Boots, it's also a little fiddly as you give it by spoon so with a baby who loves to grab everything this can be tricky. Overall I love this product as I know my little man is getting all his vitamins especially iron as I breastfeed.
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  • 3.13/5
    • Strengths:

      Looks good

    • Weaknesses:

      Smells bad

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    My 15 month old has to have vitamins due to being premature I have tried loads but she wouldn't take them she will take this one but only in her juice and 2 problems I find there is no stopper on the bottle and it smells really bad
  • 1.25/5
    • Strengths:

      It’s benefits

    • Weaknesses:

      Cost, taste, baby refused

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    Due to a dairy intolerance, the dietitian suggested supplementing our 8 month old with vitamins. I purchased this particular brand as it was well known to me and seemed to contain everything baby would need to stay healthy. I was surprised at the smell, taste and consistency of the vitamin liquid as well as the sheer amount that baby needed to consume each day. As soon as it was added to her food or milk she flatly refused to consume it and there wasn’t a chance of getting it into her as a medicine. So unfortunately this ended up being a real waste of money and we have now gone into using a much cheaper brand with all the same benefits but only needing 5 small drops per day.
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to give to baby

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    I originally bought this for my son because he’s got a few intolerance issues and I was worried he would be missing out on some vitamins and minerals, especially since he can’t have cows milk. This is super easy to administer, just one teaspoon mixed into his morning bottle, he doesn’t even know he’s getting it.
    I can’t be sure but I do think it’s helped his immune system because he was always getting bugs and viruses before but since starting on this we’ve had a clear spell.
    There might not be any obvious benifits you can see but I think there’s no harm in giving babies a little boost, especially until they can properly eat fruit and veg and obtain what they need from them.
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  • 3.38/5
    • Strengths:

      Easily given to baby in their bottle

    • Weaknesses:

      Wish it was a syringe dispenser instead of in the cap measurement

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    Since I have been giving my little one this she rarely has colds and her hair has grown so much! She had little to no hair and now it's so thick at the back - whether this is a coincidence, I'm not sure.
    This is a bit expensive and there are cheaper options but this brand is really well known and do vitamins for adults too.
    I wish there was a syringe dispenser, like there is in calpol or nurofen, because pouring the medicine in a cap and then into a bottle, you lose some of the amount and it's a bit of a pain.
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Keeps baby healthy

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    Does the job quite well in keeping my baby full of energy and good health. I always make sure I never run out when I’m at the store doing my monthly shopping. Has no bad odours at all
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:


    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    Because my son took these vitamins, he was not weak, he had good immunity, he ate well and a lot. I recommend these vitamins.
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Wellbaby Multi-vitamin Liquid provides an ideal nutritional safeguard for babies and infants, to support their rapid physical growth and development of bones, muscles, blood and the brain.

Key nutrients include iron, which contributes to normal cognitive development, and vitamin D, which is needed for normal growth and development of bone in children. Vitamin D also contributes to their normal immune system function.
For convenience and to avoid spillages, we recommend that the liquid can be mixed into your baby's usual milk or juice.

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