
Member ratings
2 reviews
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Rating /5
  • Quality / Performance
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  • Security / Hygiene
  • Design
  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Very soothing, it is an instant relief for sore nipples

    • Weaknesses:

      Expensive, have to wash before breastfeeding

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    As a first time mom I was struggling for more than a month with sore nipples. Despite of the price I decided to give the Medela breast pads a go and they really helped as soon as I started using them. I used them longer than the 24 hours recommended they still did the job especially after being kept in the fridge. I can confirm they do stay cool for 24 hours, and also they fit and stick really well unlike another brand I’ve tried.
    They are pricey but for me the relief they provide was worth it. I’m in my second month Brestfeeding now with healed nipples, if I happen to have pain again I would purchase more.
  • 4.38/5
    • Strengths:

      Really helped with sore nipples

    • Weaknesses:

      The price

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    When you’re a first time breast feeding mum and struggling and your nipples are on fire, you need these. They help with cooling relief in between feeds.
    I used them on and of for 24hrs. They were a god send. I used them longer than recommended because the price is expensive to dispose of so quickly!
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Medela Hydrogel Pads provide instant relief to sore nipples by adhering to the skin and providing a protective, cooling cushion. They support the healing process by adding moisture and keeping the skin smooth.

The pads are sterile, individually wrapped and reusable for 24 hours.

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