

Sweet Dreamers Ewan the dream sheep

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  • 3.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Different sounds to choose from, gentle glow so you can see baby

    • Weaknesses:

      Beeps when batteries are low often waking baby

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    After wishing I’d started my son out with one of these from birth, I made sure I had one ready for when my daughter was born. It really worked for her in the early days, I would feed her and pop her back in her Moses basket after, click Ewan (who was attached to the outside of the Moses basket with the Velcro strap) on to the white noise function and she would drift off. However sometimes she would wake when he went off, so it could benefit from having the choice to play the sounds for a longer period of time. Also, if she was more restless a louder sound was required to overwhelm her, so I still needed a white noise app on my phone for those instances with the volume higher. So for me personally Ewan could be improved if you could turn the volume high although I suspect this is limited so as not to potentially harm baby’s ear drums.
    A downside is that he does an annoying beep when the batteries are low (after having already played a few seconds of sound) which is counterproductive and wakes baby up! It would be better if it just didn’t come on at all or perhaps did a little flash to indicate batteries were too low to complete the sound sequences.
    I would buy his product again, as I did find it effective despite the negative aspects. I would however look to buy it secondhand as I feel it’s rathee expensive for something that is just a sound box in a toy.
    I also have Russell the sleepdog and I find him better value for money as you can record your own white noise to him which plays for around 30 mins if you record a 4 min clip, but you can also record other sounds tailored to your baby such as yourself singing a song.
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  • 3.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to use

    • Weaknesses:

      Can’t wash, guzzled battries

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    Our first child loved her Ewan and we took it with us everywhere we went. It has a very quiet gentle heartbeat rythym set to the background of either music or white noise. It is easy to change the sound by clicking different feet of the sheep. It put her to sleep straight away and was handy when travelling to give her something familiar at bed time. However, as you can imagine this big fluffy sheep sitting in bed with a baby gets pretty gross pretty quickly and you can’t wash it. We tried to take the outer layer off to wash but the wires are built all through it so not possible. So we ended up buying several for my daughter over the course of the year, and they are not cheap!

    However, we still bought another for my second baby and actually he hasn’t taken to it at all. So it’s just sitting in the shelf. It seems to really depend on your child as to whether it soothes them to sleep or not.
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  • pabobo
  • 3.63/5
    • Strengths:

      White noise and heart beat sound so realistic

    • Weaknesses:

      Noises are only on a timer needs to react if baby moves or makes a noise

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    Was given the Ewan sheep as a gift when I had my daughter, for the first 2 months she really wasn’t interested in the noises of the sheep, but has now become a staple to her sleep routine. I love the fact the sheep tails had a velcro strap so can easily fit to the cot and easy to find to set it off again if she wakes. It has a feature to have it louder/quieter and you can turn the light on or off. The only downside is the noise stops after a certain time, it needs to be automated to come back on if a baby makes a noise, currently I’m waking up to turn the sheep back on every 30-45 minutes n the early hours of the morning when my daughter stirs.
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  • 3.63/5
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    • Design
    Ewan the sheep, is a great all rounder sleep aid, the highlights of it being that you can take it anywhere with you - in the cot, Moses basket, car, pram, my son loves it, he especially loves the heartbeat setting which helps settle him to sleep, it’s pricey but if your child responds to white noise then this is definitely a product for you! The only disadvantages are that you can’t wash it and the noise only plays for 20 minutes! But all in all this is brilliant !
  • 3.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Velcro strap, lovely sweet design

    • Weaknesses:

      Batteries don’t last long, unable to wash

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    Ever since I found out that I was pregnant I was wanting to get a Ewan. It is a very nice product with sweet music. Music could last for longer though and also it does not react if your baby wakes up. Unfortunately you cannot wash Ewan so need to make sure he is kept clean which is difficult with a newborn!
  • 3.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Soft and looks cute

    • Weaknesses:

      Only works for 20 min

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    I bought this product a little late, so was a bit hit and miss on working. However If used from more or less birth, baby adapts well to it and soothe as my nephew loves it.
    I like that you can choose to have the light on or off and 4 different sounds.
    Shame it doesn’t last longer than than 20min as some other similar products last longer. I would recommend people try the white nice sounds on their baby before they buy as quite expensive if doesn’t work. But if it does, it’s nice to have the product and not use your battery on your phone constantly
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  • 3.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Different noises

    • Weaknesses:

      Battery life

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    I don’t feel this really aided us in anyway. It plays 3 different sounds but only lasts for 20 mins. By the time it starts to be effective the 20mins are up, baby is still awake and not settled. I’d save the pennies with this one and just use a free white noise app.
  • 3.63/5
    • Strengths:

      I liked that the tail was Velcro which meant I could attach it to the side of the cot.

    • Weaknesses:

      Hard to clean as you can't remove the insides or stop them from getting wet if thoroughly washed

    • Quality
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    • Design
    Had to buy 2 after the first ones buttons went but my child loves it. Bit hard to clean properly but does a great job. She can't get enough of it!
  • 3.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Long sound cycle

    • Weaknesses:

      Weak velcro to cover batteries

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    My daughter settled just with music(which is really nice) I like that music cycle is long(and easy to count how long she is settled:)I am not really big fun of light inside so we don’t use it. But purple sheep he’s her power !
  • 3.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Works miracle's settles baby within 10mins to sleep

    • Weaknesses:

      Only stays on for 20 min's

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    Amazing product definitely worth the stupid amount of money. Sends little one to sleep and calms him. Would be better if it stayed on longer
  • 3.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Helps baby sleep

    • Weaknesses:

      Doesn’t come back on automatically when baby stirs

    • Quality
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    • Design
    Ewan has 4 different white noise sound modes, my baby seems to prefer the placenta or heartbeat sound. He also glows red which acts as a nice night light.
    While my baby enjoys the sound, Ewan switches off after only 20 minutes and I have to keep pressing the button until Baby is asleep. Unlike other similar products, Ewan does not come back on when baby stirs.
    The battery life seems very short and they need to be regularly changed.
    I think £30 is quite pricey for what it is, and I probably would not have purchased one myself. I was given one as a baby shower gift.
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  • 3.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Looks good, had a light

    • Weaknesses:

      Does not put baby to sleep

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    Waste of money for us. Does not work for our baby. It’s just say gathering dust. We tried it many times but it never ever calmed baby down.
  • 3.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Soft toy, noises

    • Weaknesses:

      To quiet, switches of

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    My baby likes the different sounds it makes but it is to quiet even on the louder setting.
    There needs to be a longer timer as it goes of to quick so forever having to get up and put it back on.
    It is very pricey for what it is.
  • 3.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Sends baby of friends to sleep

    • Weaknesses:

      Battery doesnt last long

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    I hang this on the side of the cot and it works a treat, I turn the light off and just have the white noise on and my daughter is asleep within 15 mins
  • 3.38/5
    • Strengths:

      It looks like a sheep

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality
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    • Design
    I’m not a fan of this product. It’s loud, the sounds are invasive and, I can’t be sure, but the red hooves when it’s on seemed to frighten my child. I thought it looked quite evil in the dark. I won’t be using it in the future.
  • 3.38/5
    • Strengths:

      Nice sounds, glows red like the womb

    • Weaknesses:

      Battery pack easily accessible for baby, drains battery

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    This was excellent for us at first but sadly we had to move onto another product. Ewan has some lovely sounds and glow but the batteries drain consistently no matter which brand.
  • 3.38/5
    • Strengths:

      Settles baby To sleep if she’s already calm

    • Weaknesses:

      Only 2 volume levels, only goes for 15 mins

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    This works if the baby is already almost asleep. I have an app which goes for 45 mins and if you put her down with that it sends her into a deep sleep almost immediately.

    Ewan only lasts 15 mins and only has two volume settings which means if the baby isn’t sleeping you have to try and turn it back on before she’s unsettled again.
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  • 3.25/5
    • Strengths:

      Red light, good velcro, timer

    • Weaknesses:

      Short battery life

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    This was great when my little girl was newborn, kept her calm during nappy changes and helped settle at night. Now she's older it's used for routine but the battery life is shocking and we don't bother to change them very often just leaving it in her bed as a comfort toy rather than something that makes soothing sounds.
  • 3.25/5
    • Strengths:

      Soft, easy to use

    • Weaknesses:

      Short play time

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    I’d heard great things about Ewan but so far it hasn’t quite lived up to expectations however my baby is only 3 weeks so maybe as he gets bigger it will be more effective. It does help me drop off though!
  • 3.25/5
    • Strengths:

      Velcro strap

    • Weaknesses:

      Can’t wash

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    I got this as a gift when my baby was born. It has 4 different sound modes and a velcro strap which came in handy when out and about. I could fasten Ewan to the pram/car seat etc.

    The heartbeat sound did get him to sleep and he liked to look at the red glow of Ewan’s chest. I found when the noise stopped (after 20 minutes) he would wake up. Therefore I had to keep pressing for it to start again - not convenient.

    A big disadvantage of Ewan is that you are only able to wash him by hand. So after a couple of months he’s looking quite tired and dirty.

    I would recommend buying rechargeable batteries otherwise this could end up being another expense.
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  • 3.25/5
    • Strengths:

      Love the fact that there is a sensor for when baby crys

    • Weaknesses:

      No off switch!

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    I think Ewan the sheep is a great idea, my little one isn't here yet but I tested this product on a friend's baby and it does exactly what it says.
    Only 1 thing I would change and that's to have an off switch.
  • 3.13/5
    • Strengths:

      Very soothing when switched on.

    • Weaknesses:

      Moises sound very crackled

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    Even the dream sheep is a great little soother for any newborn. It’s feet have switches to the music/ sounds and also one red light for a night light. This product really soothes my newborn but I noticed the over a couple months the wires got a bit faulty, maybe I picked up a bad one . I would definitely recommend this product to any mother wanting to sooth their newborn baby.
  • 3.13/5
    • Strengths:

      Velcro strap, lights up.

    • Weaknesses:

      Play length time, not washable.

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    Ewan has helped my little boy settle when I put him into his crib. There is a choice of 4 different sounds and a light. He can be loud or quiet, and the light can be on or off. There is a Velcro strap so he can be attached for on the move or on the crib bars. A couple of bad point would be that you’re unable to wash him, so when we go out and take him, we have to make sure he stays clean. And the length the noises play for should be longer as baby isn’t always settled when it switches off.
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  • 3.13/5
    • Strengths:

      Cute design

    • Weaknesses:

      Not washable

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    I was gifted Ewan the Dream Sheep when my little boy was born. I was excited to try it as we never tried anything like this which our little girl and at 2 years old still needs me to get her to sleep and doesn't sleep through. I heard a lot of amazing reviews of Ewan so was excited to try it. My little boy does seem to like the sounds - mainly the womb sound and the lullaby and will eventually drift off to sleep listening to it. I'd love to try the deluxe version so it would turn on when he cried in the night. I also like the fact that the deluxe version can be washed whereas the original can't due to the battery back. This could be an issue when my baby is older and it ends up covered in dribble and possibly baby sick!
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  • 3.13/5
    • Strengths:

      Kids love it

    • Weaknesses:

      Velcro is not durable

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    My children used to love this at bed time until the Velcro began to weaken, they were able to remove the battery pack and take it off of their cots meaning that I became a bedtime game to throw it around the bedroom... not ideal!
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The Sweet Dreamers Ewan the Dream Sheep  was designed to mimic the sensation of the womb as he emits soothing sounds and a calming pink glow which will reassure your baby or toddler at bedtime.

There are 4 soundtracks from which to choose: vacuum cleaner, rain, harp and the womb. Each one features the sound of a resting heartbeat.

Ewan has a 20 minute timer feature with automatic shut off. He attaches to cot bars, pushchairs or car seats for easy transportation.

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