Groovy design and can be used as a nightlight. Clear colour indicator.
Often inaccurate
For the price, I could probably find a more accurate room thermometer (albeit not quite as funky)
The colour indicators are very clear and show the rough temperature without needing to get up close. It also makes a very good nightlight. However, often when I've compared the actual readings with other thermometers, it's often a couple of degrees out (which can make all the difference for a Baby!)
So happy I got this product. I read so much during pregnancy about keeping baby cool while sleeping so definitely wanted one of these, and it didn’t disappoint. I have become a bit obsessed with watching the temperature on it but it’s really helped in this weather be able to keep the bedroom cool and know what to put baby to sleep in. I recommend this product to all my mummy friends as it gives you that peace of mind and doesn’t leave you guessing the temperature in baby room.
We love our gro egg! It’s so easy to quickly read and understand. It provides a subtle glow, enough to be a reassuring light for baby but not so bright it disturbs them. I’ve seen a few people ask if its bright enough to use for nighttime feeds and nappy changes, personally I’d say no, for that I’d highly recommend the gro light bulb!
You can buy little animal toppers for the gro egg which make it super cute and suit any nursery. My toddler likes switching between the owl and the penguin!
Writing this while sat up holding a sleeping baby, with the warm glow of the gro egg next to me. The gro egg is such a handy piece of equipment to have where baby sleeps, especially on these particularly warm nights when it can be difficult to know what to put baby to sleep wearing and how many blankets. By being able to quickly see what colour the gro egg glows I am able to decide on what pyjamas to put her in and whether i should add or remove a blanket during the night.
I have found on some occasions that the gro egg can be slightly inaccurate, but not by much and only by saying that the room is slightly hotter than it actually is. But I would rather have too few layers on her than too many.
Overall I would recommend this product to others as it’s such an important thing to ensure that the room temperature is safe and that baby is not overdressed for the conditions of the room.
I bought the Gro Egg when I was pregnant with my first child and initially left it on in my bedroom to test it out but I quickly became quite attached to it and ended up having to buy another for my baby's room! I love that you can easily see the temperature at a glance - you can open your child's bedroom door and see the colour of the glow without having to tip toe in and see a thermometer screen. Of course, if you want a more accurate reading, the actual temperature is clearly displayed on the front screen.
I found, however, that the clear plastic screen wasn't so robust - we also used this as a nightlight and my toddler managed to get a hold of it and smashed the front of it. I actually swapped my child's for the one I retained for my own bedroom, but, unfortunately, it fell forward when I was cleaning one day and, again, the front screen smashed. I contacted Gro to see if I could purchase new plastic screens but they said this was not possible. It still works though and I can see the temperature just as easily - it only looks a bit broken.
Best of all, there are accessories so you can dress up your Egg - we have an owl and a penguin which are both very cute. Our Grow Eggs are portable and come with us when we travel with the kids to give me peace of mind and also a nightlight. I'd recommend these without hesitation and have often bought as a baby present.
This product is perfect for a first time mum or dad that is slightly anxious after reading many parent books about the perfect temp for a room - fell into that with my first. Having said that I purchased this and found it very useful to start with with the added bonus of a dim night light. However the novelty soon wore off as you really can just judge the temp by how you feel and dress. All in all its a good product but just trust your own instincts and you won't need to buy this.
Easy to read, nice design and love the colour change!
The Groegg is something I absolutely adore. It's easy to read the temperature across the room. Its quality material and I love the change in colour to match the temperature!!
I would recommend this to any first time parents feeling a bit worried about what to pop their babies in to sleep!
Such a nice simple design. Using it before the baby is even here and gives such a good easy indicator of room temperature. You can get cute covers for them too which means it can be a sweet night light
I decided to purchase a GroEgg after a few very hot nights in our house made me extremely paranoid about my baby overheating! The thermometer on my baby monitor seemed very temperamental and I was constantly worried about my little one being too hot. At £14.99 it isn’t the cheapest piece of equipment but I haven’t found any faults with it so far and I’m very happy to know my baby is safe and comfortable at night! A handy colour changing light tells you the rough temperature of the room at a glance, then looking closer you will find the temperature in celsius and a happy or sad face depending on whether the room is too cold/hot/just right.
Great for The winter time and the summer so easy to use and puts your mind at ease that the Room you baby is in is a perfect temperature which is a parents biggest worry when bringing a new baby home love having this just one less thing to have to worry about
Easy to use and gives a accurate temperature even if your not sure on correct temperature, if it's not ideal you get a sad face. so even my husband who refuses to put the heating on (because another jumper is cost efficient) has been converted. If it's to hot it lets us know as it goes red wirh a sad face . SO If you glance in the night you can tell when half asleep to check babies dont have to many layers in regards to the safe sleeping guidelines
. As someone who worked with new families and for discussing safe sleeping , room temperatures a big deal. Whilst these are a little pricey we can all be clear that anyone can use them sleep deprived mums , tight fathers who don't want the heating on (joke) frantic grandparents . Many people often fret they are cold/ warm so assume baby is or the room is . ans put extra layers on technically babies only need one layer more than us when it coolee and their hands and feet alway a feel cold. However with this item it stops people being over cautious about baby as if room temps as it should be thats great factor in safe sleeping . Can I just make a disclaimer **obviously they're other factors in safe sleeping nor just room temperature * an d yes it's great but other thermometers are good to. I juat like how easy it is to read in the night by juat glancing at the colour.
This makes it so clear with the changing colours what temperature the room is so when half asleep or (havent got my contact lens in) i can see from the colours the room temperature is correct for baby. Also like how there is a digital display as well.
The colours are a simple but great temperature indication
A little pricey
I'm one of those people who's always cold! Which means my idea of the perfect temperature might be on the opposing end for my daughters.
My daughter went through a stage of sleeping by the window and I worried she'd get cold, if it was really warm in the summer I just needed that reassurance that her bedroom wasnt too hot.
This clever device does exactly that! It will change to red in colour if it's too hot, sending you the warning signal that something needs adjusting.
You can recognise sooner if it’s getting hotter just by the colour
This is brilliant for parents to check room temperatures, the digital temperature on the front is really clear, you can also tell if it’s warming or cooling down just by the colour change of the egg. You are also aware if it’s too hot or cold by that. It’s great!
What a great product! It makes sure you keep the room & your baby at the ideal temperature & if the room is too cold or too hot the instructions tell you what to sleep your baby in I.e an extra blanket or minus a sleeping bag ect... also it doubles up as a bit of a night light too ;)
I have tk be honest I doubted if this product was needed but now after having it 7 months I've realised that I couldnt live without it. Its so easy to read and doesn't take up hardly any room, with the hot summer and cold winters it great to know what gro bag to put my little man in so he isn't to warm or cold. For the price it is definitely a must on the baby shopping list
I got this product as a gift .as a fist time mum i wasnt sure what i needed so only bought the basics myself . This was handy when i brought my LO home as it came with a little guide of what to dress them in depending on the temperature. The light isnt too bright and doesnt disturbed sleep at all. The screen is easy to read and the colour changes to the temperature .easy to read if you are not close to it .
Love this product. Super cute design, lovely dim colours that are not to bright. Clear temp on screen. Love the colour change so you know from a distance if the room is the right temperature so you don’t have to disturb baby by going into the room. Love the akins which this product wxtra cute and appealing !
One of my favourite baby buys! Gave me peace of mind when I first brought my son home from hospital. A quick glance at the colour and I know instantly if his room is too warm or too cold. The light isn't too bright and gives a nice glow to the room.
Great little gadget but what it says is the perfect temperature isn't neccessarily the temperature your baby is happy with. Great to use to keep an eye, but listen to your baby, it may think it's too hot but they may be happy
Really useful piece of tech. Doubles up as a night light. Have secured it on the corner of daughters cot, so I can always see temp and it glows over her cot.
Came in useful last summer during the heatwave.
Also useful this winter, knowing when to add a blanket or pop LO in an extra babygrow.
Always works well match’s the temperature on my thermostat .. great as a little light as not to strong so able to change baby feed baby workout having to get up and put light on etc used with both my children and ideal to get the temperature just right would recommend
Easy to use, gives a clear and instant visual for the temperature of babies room for you to act fast
Being picky but would love a wireless one to give more options of where to sit it
A genius and humble product. It is so simple and effective. It gives you an instant visual for the temperature of babies room. With an easy to follow colour coding system you can act fast if babies room is too warm or cold. This has followed my son up to his big boy room now as we were not sure how he felt and as an adult sometimes we don't recognise if a room is too cold or hot. This way we can always be reassured and in the know.
The Gro Egg Digital Baby Thermometer will help assure that baby's room is the perfect temperature. The colour of the Gro Egg indicates the room temperature. A blue glow indicates it is too cold (under 16°C), while yellow signals the recommended temperature (16°C to 20°C), orange is warm (20° to 24°C) and red means it's too warm (over 24°C).