
Member ratings
124 reviews
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Clear, quick results, no mistaking the result.

    • Weaknesses:


    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    Absolute recommend this product to anybody trying for a baby. Those moments of waiting for the test to develop are so nerve wracking, the last thing you want to do is hold it up to the light to try and work out the result. This has a clear indicator & the words can’t be mistaken. I still have a photo of my positive test, I found the weeks indicator reassuring & took a test every week to see the indicatior rise. It was very accurate for me.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Clear results and no guessing about lines like bulk standard tests

    • Weaknesses:

      Slightly costly unless you find them on offer

    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    I brought this test when trying for a baby. It was really easy to use. When I found out I was pregnant there was no mistaking he result. Although positive the weeks estimation said 3 weeks and I was actually 9 weeks so not great but that’s fine. Packaging good and they are sealed individually so tests cannot be tampered with. Comes with a kid so once you have urinated you can stick the lid back on so it’s a bit cleaner.
  • 4.25/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to use

    • Weaknesses:


    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    I bought this on my first pregnancy and it was excellent as it also predicts how many weeks pregnant you are. The results do not take very long and it is easy to use being very hygienic.
    The pack I bought had 2 in so I used the other one to confirm the result.
    They are available in most chemists,large stores etc but not very cheap. There are cheaper ones on the market but this one is very accurate and worth buying. Well known brand.
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Great product!

    • Weaknesses:

      Maybe price could be slightly reduced

    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    Brilliant pregnancy texts! There is no mistaking the result. Would for sure use again in the future. Great way to work our how far gone you are also.
  • 2.50/5
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    • Interest
    This is really easy to use but in my case it makes a little mistake because it tells me that I was pregnant for 2-3 week and when I when to my midwife was a little different for 2 weeks more. So in my opinion for the next time I will buy a normal test, there is not the cheapest one because is digital but if is not working properly is not making sense to spend the money if you are not going to have the exactly time.
  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Well, it works! It told me I was 5+ weeks pregnant and it was absolutely correct.

    • Weaknesses:

      There's never going to be a pleasant way to urinate on a small piece of plastic.

    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    I bought this pregnancy test when I suspected I may be pregnant. Low and behold, this wonderful little stick confirmed my suspicions and helped add to our excitement and terror by informing us roughly how many weeks along we were. It was a huge relief to know that we were a little further along and I don't think there are any other pregnancy tests on the market that offer this luxury. That being said, you do pay for this additional feature; with this test costing a whopping 5 times more than your own supermarket branded alternative. That being said, 10/10, would pee on again should the occasion arise.
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  • 4.25/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to use

    • Weaknesses:

      Accuracy of how far along you are

    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    The test was simple and easy to use but this test was bought so I could see how far along I was and only goes up to 3+ weeks. Spending the extra money on a test that apparently tells you how many weeks you are, I was slightly disappointed as you can only assume like a box standard test and work it out yourself on the internet and apps how far gone you are and your approx due date is.
  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:


    • Weaknesses:

      Slightly pricey

    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    I used a few different home test results which all showed negative. I still wasn’t convinced so got clear blue which quickly and clearly showed I was pregnant- the only accurate of all the ones I used.
  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Tells you there and then how many weeks roughly

    • Weaknesses:

      I didnt find any

    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    Best test on the market very accurate and so reassuring when the results are there in front of you in writing and with the estimate of how many weeks is a great help.
  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Best product around for making sure

    • Weaknesses:

      A little out on weeks as I was 6 weeks but told me I was 2-3 weeks.

    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    Great product recommended by my doctor as I got tested there at 4 weeks but advised to give it a few weeks and do a home one also which I did :)
    Was surreal to finally see positive after trying for 3 years but worth the wait :)
  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Clear results

    • Weaknesses:


    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    I always confirm pregnancies using clear blue digital as it allows you to skip the whole "Is there or isn't there a line" scenario. It also predicts when you conceived allowing you to work out dates. I personally use them to watch my weeks going up over the period of three weeks, as it provides peace of mind knowing your hcg levels are rising as they should. Very good product. Always proven accurate for myself. Only down side being it is a little bit pricey.
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  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Very clear

    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    I was really pleased with this test, very clear from the first day of my missed period (even before hand but left it until this time to be sure!).
    You really can’t go wrong with this test and it was very clear for me and my husband to see that it was positive!
  • 4.00/5
    • Strengths:


    • Weaknesses:

      Little pricey

    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    Not overly accurate date wise for me but really useful as a double confirmation! Also very handy to have the pack with two tests.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Quick and clear

    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    Got the twin pack of this product, quick to give the result and then when its positive it shows probable pregnancy week.
    Very accurate and no need to try and decipher a result.
  • 4.25/5
    • Strengths:

      Brings up result quickly, easy to read, hygienic cap

    • Weaknesses:

      Quite pricey

    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    Easy to use and a lovely quick result and so easy to read too and not just looking for the lines, it says pregnant or not pregnant quite clearly :)
  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to use, quick result

    • Weaknesses:


    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    I used this to find out about my pregnancy.
    It was straight point on & told me how many weeks I am pregnant. More reliable compared to other brands. It gave me accurate results in minutes & bought smile on my face. Really clear instructions on how to use it. Really good product.
  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Fast results easy to use

    • Weaknesses:


    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    I used this product to conform that I was pregnant with my son. We had brought the other non digital versions and were getting a faint line but that just wasn't cutting it for me. Although the price put me off a little I liked the idea of knowing roughly how many weeks I was.
    The tests is easy to use and has a little hour glass on screen whilst you wait. The results come up fairly quickly and give you an idea of the weeks you are 1 to 2 2 to 3 or 3+.
    Love this product even with its slightly higher price tag.
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Quick, definite and easy to read.

    • Weaknesses:

      One of the most expensive.

    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    I found this pregnancy test very easy to use and read. I feel it gave me a definite answer and an idea of conception date. I was able to put on the lid and wash my hands making it quite hygienic. After a certain amount of time the result also disappears, I thought this could be a strength if an individual did not want others to know the result.
    I will definitely use this test in the future. Although the price is higher, it is worth the money paid.
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  • 4.38/5
    • Strengths:

      Really fast results

    • Weaknesses:


    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    Really recommend.
    it’s easy to use, it gives you a definite answer.
    Finally happy face:)
    Overall good product.
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  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Clear results help your confirmation.

    • Weaknesses:

      Could be too pricey.

    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    When I found out I was pregnant it was from a delightful £2.99 for 3 box of tests however in my mind I wouldn't believe all three as they're cheap.
    I pee'd on about 4 different sticks till i saw this one and I took the plummet into paying more.
    It was worth it for the peace of mind.

    Please do cheap ones first but then always buy clear blue for that clarification.
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  • 4.63/5
    • Weaknesses:


    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    I never thought I could have a baby as I was diagnosed as infertile. So I bought this as a joke with my friend because I was moody and my period was missing for a week. So it told me I was 2-3 weeks and I was shocked, still trying to process that even how many weeks it showed me I was pregnant.
    As I was still shocked and sceptical (in my head I couldn't have kids) I've done the second one and surprise... same results. As it says 99% accuracy, I took a while but went to my GP. That was unforgettable:)
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  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Clear instructions and easy and very hygienic to use with

    • Weaknesses:

      A bit on the pricey side

    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    The clear blue pregnancy test has very clear instructions and the stick is ergonomically shaped so that you can easily and hygienically use it.
    The results are easy to interpret, leaving no room for confusion.
    They are at the more expensive end of the market, but given the accuracy and ease of use and interpreting the results on this life changing event then it’s worth the extra money.
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  • 3.75/5
    • Strengths:

      It tells you an estimated amount of weeks, it’s easy to use, it gives you a definite answer.

    • Weaknesses:

      It’s expensive

    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    I did 3 shop brand pregnancy tests which all came back positive but only gave me a faint line to be absolutely sure we did a clear blue test and to have that definite answer was so reassuring and made it feel all that more feel, to then know how many weeks I was was also really lovely and just made it all that much more amazing and was really lovely to be able to estimate due date and when I needed to contact the gp.
  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Thick tab to wee on

    • Weaknesses:

      Paying for the name

    • Comfort
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Interest
    Overall good product. You get 2 in a pack which I like for reassurance however such a reliable product I don't think you need to do a second like you would if you was buying a really cheap home brand.
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The Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicator is accurate as a professional urine test.
99% accurate (from the day your period is due).

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