
Member ratings
31 reviews
  • Excellent
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  • Average
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Rating /5
  • Sound / video quality
  • Price
  • Ease of use
  • Design
  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to use, Mobile, Reasonably priced

    • Weaknesses:

      Battery doesn't last

    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    This is the best baby monitor I have purchased. It is very easy to use and handy that the receiving end can be carried around- even if I have to nip out to the bin or the washing line. The music and sound on it are easily adjusted. Only problem I have is that the battery doesn't last long so I'm finding it on the charger more often than I'd like.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to control settings. Find feature for hand held section and torch

    • Weaknesses:


    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    Very easy to control music and light setting both main section and hand held. Good quality of sound also shows temperatures of baby room
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Clarity of sounds

    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    This is the best monitor I have found. The clarity is amazing, there are also so many other features such as talk back ability, night light, light show, cry detector, thermometer and a great range. It charged really quickly and is simple to connect and use. I would highly recommend this to any parent!
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Great design, long wires, easy to use, can control from other rooms, can talk to baby

    • Weaknesses:


    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    My son has recently gone into his own room (much to my dismay) but this little device has helped put my mind at rest! I used to wake up & check he was breathing every time when he was in his Moses basket & okay, I still check on him, but I don’t need to as much because I have this!
    So, one bit goes in baby’s room & one bit stays with you. They both have long wires so you can put them where you like, they don’t have to be close to a plug, & they literally just use one wire that plugs in the back. The parent one comes with a charger to charge it so you can take it around the house with you. This is easy to do as the monitor itself is quite small so easy to fit in a pocket.
    On the parent one, you have the ability to talk to baby through the monitor by pressing the talk button. You can adjust the volume, turn on the light show in baby’s room (this isn’t particularly bright mind), put the night light on in baby’s room, choose from a range of music to play including classical, white noise, lullabies, and nature sounds & you can choose a timer for these. It also has a feed timer on there & settings so it can beep if say the temperature is too hot in the room or if baby cries. It does have the temperature on the screen too.

    All in all, i love this. I am so happy I bought this one because it’s so easy to use & comes with so many useful things so you don’t need to buy a thermometer, nightlight, or music player/light show because this does it all. AND I bought it with a special offer from something like Emma’s diary when I was pregnant so I got it half price so keep an eye out! Having used it, I think it would happily pay the £50-£60 but hell, if you can get it for £35, you may as well. I’m sure you’ll find a way to use the money you save to good use! :D
    Saying this, I can hear my son now gurgling away on the monitor so I’m gonna go & say good morning!

    Oh! I almost forgot!! There’s a handy torch on the back of the monitor incase you need to avoid Lego pieces on the floor or whatever!
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  • 3.13/5
    • Strengths:

      Loved the music options ad quite a bit of choice

    • Weaknesses:

      Would cut at or make strange interference noise so would have to switch off and then on again

    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    For the money I paid I liked this monitor. There are so many music options which I liked as well as my little boy. Didn't take up lots of space which is good. Only down side was the interference noise it would make at times. Would go away of we switched off and then back on but still a little annoying
  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to use

    • Weaknesses:

      Battery doesn't last long

    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    I've been using this monitor for 2.5 years, my boys use it more of a night light than a monitor now. The sound quality is excellent, and i like that you can control the lights and sounds from the parent unit. My children like that i can talk to them without being in the same room. I have, and will continue to, recommend this monitor to friends and family.
  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to use

    • Weaknesses:

      One melody is so much louder and sharper than others it wakes baby up

    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    My son is approaching a year now and we’ve had this monitor from day one. It’s not an all singing all dancing monitor, it doesn’t have motion sensors or a camera but we didn’t want or need any of that.
    The base unit that goes in the babies bedroom has a nightlight option, a stars and planets projection and an option to play melodies/lullabies to baby. All of these can be turned on from downstairs using the parent unit.
    The projection is great and often helps settle little one however the melodies just don’t work for us. There are 3 or 4 in the sequence, 3 of them are lovely soft relaxing lullabies and then the 4th comes on with a completely different volume setting and sharp dramatic piano tones and it just wakes baby up. We don’t use this feature because of this.
    A lot of the other reviews mention battery life on the parent unit being rubbish but we’ve never had an issue with ours so I can’t comment on that.
    I would definitely recommend this product
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  • 4.38/5
    • Strengths:

      Good distance, colour show, songs

    • Weaknesses:

      Battery doesn't last massively long on handset

    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    Nice monitor, good quality sound and works well from downstairs. Nice colour show of stars, could maybe be a bit brighter, although you can adjust brightness. Some lovely melodies, very relaxing.
  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      All the sounds & talkback function

    • Weaknesses:

      Doesn’t last.

    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    I’m principle I love this monitor, it has a great menu of sounds, timers, lights and a talkback function, the range is also really long and sound quality great. However I am on my 3rd in 3 years (through warranty) and each has suffered with terrible interference issues after about 10 months.
  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Lasted 3 years

    • Weaknesses:


    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    I had this monitor with my eldest lasted three long years .sound quality was perfect even able to go into my garden with it .
    Another top advantage as well is that I was able to talk through the monitor to him too soothe .
    One down side and the Only negative I have as well is that it quickly affected the battery , after few months it had to be left on constant. Charge or it would die after ten minutes of switching it on , however it didn’t cause the use of the monitor a problem as such just meant I couldn’t take the hand held bit of the station But it was really loud and would be herd al down stairs .
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  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Clear sound, light show is great, temperature feature

    • Weaknesses:

      No clip on the parent unit to attach to you, battery life on parent unit isn’t great.

    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    My sister in law bought this through a groupon offer and I thought “right well let’s see how rubbish this is then”, but I was actually pleasantly surprised! The sound quality is great, and it’s normally used withy girl in our room upstairs and us downstairs (one floor apart). It’s so clear I can hear her breathing! You can turn the light show, night light and music on and off from the parent unit, and there is a two-way talk feature too (haven’t tried this one yet). The temperature feature is great but when the room is too hot or cold, you get a notification every few minutes through the parent unit, which is a bit of a pain when you can’t actually do anything about it as you had a baby in the hottest summer recorded in this country for decades! The charges cables are long and each one fits either unit, so that’s handy too. All in, I do love this item!
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Settings/music/lights etc can all be controlled from parent handheld monitor, range of settings.

    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    This wasn’t the cheapest of monitors we’d looked at but I was excited as a first time mum (!!) to have one with the lights etc. It’s safe to say I do not regret the decision at all.

    The music and lights can be switched on and off from the parent handset so you don’t have to go in and risk disturbing little one.

    There is a lovely range of music available to help soothe the baby.

    Night light option is a bonus if you’re looking for a little light to have in with baby. Also the parent monitor has a “torch” function so if you do need to get up to the baby no lights need to be switched on.
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  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Light show, temperature

    • Weaknesses:


    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    Had this bought for me and we love the light show. Also the temperature feature is great so you don't have to buy a separate one. Great sound quality and nice sound options. Overall very happy
  • 3.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Lots of different sounds/music. Good sound quality.

    • Weaknesses:

      Stars cast more on wall than above cot. Not linking. Battery life.

    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    We were given this product as a gift and liked it! There's lots of different white noise (womb noise = life saver!) & music. The temperature on the screen is a good feature as is the projector. Also has a nightlight, parent to baby talk function & torch.
    The sound quality is good & clear and we found it very useful that all the features can be controlled with the parents monitor. A few niggly bad points . . . The battery lifes not great (using the white noise or music drains it very quickly), sometimes it fails to link which is a pain to correct (youve just put the baby down in bed, awake, but now need to go back in to switch the monitor off & on again *sigh) sometimes theyres a loud clicking noise which again needs to be switched off & on to get rid of. (Both bits of the monitor have to be 'rebooted' to correct these issues) & finally the star & moon projection seems to be half on our sons wall & half on the ceiling. Ive stood for ages moving it this way & that to get it alk above his cot but never achieved it but what he sees he seems to enjoy!
    But overall its a good product & does what you want it to.
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  • 3.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Light show night light and music

    • Weaknesses:

      Connection doesn't always work. Often cuts off .

    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    Not the best monitor out there. I got this for my son it was great to start with but then after a few weeks the connection started dropping. Many times it would actually loose connection and not be on the handheld part and when I went to check in my son's room it was a very high pitched noise which luckily only woke my son a hand ful of times. I stopped using it after he turned 1 as it was just getting worse. The light show, night light and music is great to have though.
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  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Sound quality, easiness to use, lots of extras

    • Weaknesses:

      Product doesn't last long

    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    We have had two of these monitors and highly recommend. The sound quality is absolutely amazing. You could hear a pin drop in the room. The range of distance that you get is really good, can go outside with the monitor and still pick up sound. Great thing is that if the connection does cut out then it beeps to let you know. Another great feature is that it tells the temperature of the room so that you can keep an eye on it. We have recently bought another as we could not do without it!
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  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Long range, good sound quality, simple to use, 2 ways to charge handset, bright night light, cheap

    • Weaknesses:

      music/white noise isn't constant (fades out), thermostat doesn't work properly, poor battery life

    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    This is a very good baby monitor for the price!
    I bought the 'BT digital baby monitor light show 350' for 2 reasons, It looked half decent and It was cheap!
    I didn't really know what to expect as the price was very reasonable, I was thoroughly surprised when I got it.
    The product its self-looks smart and well designed, it was simple to set up, the sound quality is very good and the handset has a very long range (which means you can put the washing on the line or do some gardening without worrying about not knowing if your baby is ok).
    The Handset has 2 different ways to charge (which I find very handy), you can either plug the charger into the handset directly or you can plug the charger into the charging station and place the handset on there instead.
    I love the fact that the baby monitor base has a built-in night light which makes night time feeds and nappy changes a breeze. Not only does the main base have a night light but the handset has a handy torch feature which is very useful if you are trying to find your way into bed with the lights out.
    There are pros and cons of the 2-way talk system. It is very handy being about to talk to the monitor for two reasons. 1) to soothe baby back to sleep and 2) because if my husband is in the room putting our baby down and I need him to bring something out of the room I can simply ask him through the handset. However, its flaw is it doesn't pick up the low frequency of our voices (which I know isn't the purpose of the 2-way system) but I feel that it would be very handy if it could, that way I would know if he heard me or if he needed to he could ask me a question.

    There many positives about this product but there are also some negatives.
    The music/ white noise feature isn't the best. The sound quality of the music/white noise isn't very good and what makes it worse is that the sound isn't constant. The music will play for a few minutes and then it will fade out, go silent for a few seconds and then come back on, which when you have a newborn doesn't work because they need constant sound or else it disturbs their sleep (that's what I have found anyway).
    The Thermostat doesn't work properly, It said it was 25c which I knew it wasn't so I bought a thermostat for my room and said it was only 20c.
    The Last negative thing I have found with this baby monitor is that the handset has very poor battery life and it takes a long time for it to fully charge.
    I would definitely recommend this product, as the monitor side of it is great. It's just a shame some of the features and battery life needs some work.
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  • 3.63/5
    • Strengths:

      This is really easy to use and effective as a voice only baby monitor. Easy to pack to go away with.

    • Weaknesses:

      Does not allow video display

    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    This we bought for our first baby and we have found it great. It's easy to pack to go away with and really simple to use. The light bar at the top moves when it picks up on noise so we know he is restless through the lights as well as the sounds which is useful when you have the monitor on low or at night where the lights wake you often before the noise does when your in a deep sleep. Really effective monitor for the money.
  • 3.13/5
    • Strengths:

      Does what it says on the tin, easy to use

    • Weaknesses:

      Looses the ability to link sometimes and the changing stand is poor

    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    While I think this is an average price for a baby monitor I was disappointed that I’ve had to purchase this twice due to the wire which connects to the changing base for the parents part isn’t very good, I have to wiggle the wire to get it to charge and it doesn’t hold the charge well. I have also had a couple of times I’ve had to search the internet to check out why the monitor doesn’t link to the parent part. It’s an easy fix but still annoying! The light show is average the songs and sounds are good.
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  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Clear sound and very easy to work

    • Weaknesses:

      Battery life

    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    The sound on this is really good, the only issue we have with this product is that the battery doesnt last too long when not plugged in.
  • 3.88/5
    • Strengths:

      It’s cheap and easy to use

    • Weaknesses:

      The static sound is annoying

    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    This monitor is okay and does what it says on the tin really.
    It’s easy to use and nice and simple to install.
    I don’t like the static noise that you can hear when the room is silent, it’s really irritating and the light show really isn’t good. The light isn’t strong enough and you can barely see it
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Clear sound and good signal

    • Weaknesses:

      Poor battery life

    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    We are so pleased that we chose these monitors, the sound is clear and the monitor has a very good range. The room temperature feature is very reassuring, especially as we are first time parents. I use the light show and songs to keep my daughter entertained while I pop and make her bottle in a morning however, we haven’t tried them for their intended purpose as a sleep aid so can’t comment on how well they work! Although the battery life isn’t great, it is more than adequate (ours lasts around 10 hours between charges).
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  • 5.00/5
    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    Had My Baby Monitor for over over 3 yrs now and it’s still going strong, does tend to click atm and occasionally turns itself off but that’s probably due to how old it is.
  • 4.38/5
    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    Bought this for 2nd time as we got the older model 4 years ago for our daughter. The monitor and battery started going so bought the new model for our son. Still great, love the light show and has good sound on receiver. However the music function is quite loud at its lowest setting so kept both my kids awake. Light show could have more powerful light as you can’t see it soon as there’s a tiny bit of light in the room. And when music is on can’t hear baby’s lighter noises anymore. But I love you can turn everything on and off remotely.
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  • 4.25/5
    • Strengths:

      Great sound quality

    • Weaknesses:

      A full charge doesn't last long and the radio signal interrupts if too close to port

    • Sound / video quality
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    This was excellent value for money. We never really used the music part of this monitor as my daughter would get upset by it but she loves looking at the light show, but then, admittedly, we do too.
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The BT 350 Digital Baby Monitor delivers you peace of mind whilst sending baby off to sleep with a projected lightshow of stars and moons. Features HD sound for crystal clear audio, so sensitive you can hear your little one breathing. The temperature display lets you know how hot or cold it is in the nursery. The 18 featured lullabies including classical, nursery rhymes, white noise, nature and womb sounds. Charging dock, adjustable night light and torch.

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