The attraction to this baby bath seat was that it's collapsable so takes up less space when not in use, however I find it really tricky to put up and down so it tends to stay up!
The seat sits high off the bottom of the bath so the bath needs to be fairly deep to reach baby which is wasteful of water when just bathing baby but useful when bathing baby at same time as toddler.
difficult to change heights and need a lot of water for baby to be soaked in water
Ease of use
The summer is great for a first bath without needing to but the baby bath. It allows one person to bath the baby with both hands as the baby lies in the summer, also the net allows the water to slide thorough the net and a space saver. The product is suitable for baby 0-4 months. However, I believe there are significant negatives,
1. It requires a lot of water to be filled before touching the baby hence not economic.
2. The heights are very difficult to adjust.
3. Once the baby is able to move around the baby is able to slide down and slip down or on the side.
Brought this as we don’t have space for a baby bath and it’s great. My little girl even sits in it whilst I shower. She loves playing with the toys.
The only downside would be that after awhile it gets stiff and doesn’t fold flat as easily.
The price does reflect the quality but it’s still a decent product.
We love this bath seat, used from newborn with my first and and using with my second. (Until they can sit in aided confidently)
Only downside is that to change the height level of the seat I find it hard as it’s very stiff! Other than that it’s fab!
Adjustable setting for the seat to recline or sit up right
Baby slips down quite easy
Ease of use
My little one wouldn't go in a baby bath and this was given to us, we have used this since he were a week old. We found the seat would move in the bath so putting it width ways to facing us it locked it in place. The mesh back is good, comfy for him, but he does slip down quite easy. I would recommend for anyone who's little one hates the baby baths.
Overall a good product, 3 levels as baby grows, unfortunately due to no suction pads underneath as soon as baby can sit up it causes the whole chair to flip over.
The first time caught me by surprise, but luckily I was in reaching distance to stop baby going head first into the water.
Baby slides down the seat whilst kicking the water in the bath.
Ease of use
This chair is an attractive chair which seems comfortable for my little one. The height adjustment option is great for my little one as he either wants to sit up or lay down depending on his mood. However, the actual metal arm that you use to adjust can be a little stiff and require a good push/pull to click it into place. It's also important to note that when my little one kicks his legs about in the tub he slides down the chair. Therefore, extra vigilance is needed when using the chair as you would with any baby bath product. Also as previously mentioned in reviews, it takes a significant amount of water to cover the baby as the chair sits quite high out of the water. All in all though this is a good product and the only bath chair that I have found my little one will settle in.
Not very stable, have to run a lot of water in a adult bath for the baby to even feel the water
Ease of use
I bought this product at a baby event, it wasn't one that featured the toy bar. I was hoping it was going to make bathtime a lot easier than supporting my baby in my arm in a baby bath. Unfortunately it only came with disappointment. Not only did I have to practically run a full bath for any of the water to even remotely cover my baby to keep him warm, it wasn't very supportive, I felt just as uneasy with him in the seat holding him (because he still kept slipping to one side) as I would with him in a baby bath. There's also no way of securing the seat to the bath either, so it could have a possibility of moving around in the water (baths are slippy!)