
Member ratings
62 reviews
  • Excellent
  • Good
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Rating /5
  • Quality
  • Price
  • Easy to prepare
  • Easy to digest
  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Perfect for a unsettled baby.

    • Weaknesses:

      A little on the more expensive side.

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    This milk has changed my baby! She's gone from a unsettled, crying, fidgety, not sleeping, crying for no reason baby to the most content, happy baby. She sleeps more now, night and day, isn't unsatisfied after food and doesn't root for more food, easily goes sleep and will just lay and stare around/look about, cries for bottle only and is just generally a happier baby within 2 days, she was on the first infant C&G and i was advised to put my baby on this milk by my Health visitor to see if it settles her and 48 hours later she's a new baby! I would highly recommend this milk if your little one is unhappy, i was going to change her milk completely but glad ive just gone with the same brand. I'm also feeding her on demand and she also seems alot happier as this milk is thicker and more filling and she appears full, stops on her bottles when she's had enough and sometimes doesn't finish a whole bottle which with a hungry baby is very rare! I'm very happy with this product.
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  • 3.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Affordable price

    • Weaknesses:

      Did not help with colic and constipation

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    Our little one actually had more constipation ever since we started giving him this. It didn’t really help with colic either so we switched. Would not recommend
  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      It really helped with colic

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    This was the best formula for colic, its more thicker so it did helped reflux a bit too. My baby was feeding better with this formula
  • 3.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Relives colic and reflux symptoms so well!

    • Weaknesses:

      £3.99 more expensive than our previous brand

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    This milk changed our lives! Our baby was suffering terribly with colic and constipation on the milk we originally used and really struggled to bring his wind up and due to the reflux was crying out when laid down. Within 24 hours of using this milk we noticed a massive difference and it’s like having a different baby! He is so much happier, no colic symptoms and having more dirty nappies! I’d say the things to take into consideration is that this milk has caused interesting nappies with a fouler smell than before and you will need a bigger teat size :)
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  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Does at it says :)

    • Weaknesses:

      Too expensive

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    I switched to this milk when my daughter was a couple of months old as she was screaming every night with colic pains, this powder along with anti colic bottles and infacol (which I will leave seperate reviews for), pretty much settled all the colic symptoms, the screaming stopped and she was back to normal it was a life saver, she is now 6 months and we have just recently put her back onto the normal cow & gate milk and everything is fine, I do feel like this powder is over priced seeing as my daughter goes through 1 a week on top of everything else it is expensive, I’m glad we are back to the normal cow and gate as it’s cheaper but the comfort milk was definitely needed at the time.
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      This milk eases colic and helps with constipation

    • Weaknesses:

      Leaves a greasy type residue. Has a starchy smell

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    Having started feeding my baby on Aptamil hungry baby formula she started with colic and constipation. She is a really hungry baby so we thought a hungry baby formula would be best. Although this satisfied her the constipation and colic was really starting to bother her. She is usually a settled content baby.
    After some research we decided to try the cow & gate comfort formula. Within 24 hours on this formula her wind had subsided. She started to even get her own wind up. She even managed to poo after almost 4 days of nothing. It was clear that she was very uncomfortable because she hadn't emptied her bowels. I would most definitely recommend this formula for babies who suffer with wind and constipation. The only negative is that the milk smells starchy and has a slight greasy feel to it. This is totally worth it seeing my baby comfortable and content.
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  • 4.38/5
    • Strengths:

      really helped my little girl when she had really bad colic

    • Weaknesses:

      Its quite exspensive and the tub is only half full

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    This milk has a been great for my little girl because she has had bad colic since she was a few weeks old and since changing to the comfort milk is not half as bad as she was, but i would like the price to be the same as other regular milk
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Helps with colic

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    My little one really suffered with colic, we tried a few different brands of milk but nothing helped. After a few days on the cos & gate comfort we saw a massive difference. Definitely worth a try!
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Not too thick to feed on usuap bottle.

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    My baby suffered severe colic and constipation due to being prem. This milk helped to calm down the colic and regulate his bowel movements. Even allowed me to wean my little one off of his medications. Would highly recommend.
  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to digest and easy to make, helps colic and tummy troubles

    • Weaknesses:

      More expensive and hard to find!

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    This product has really helped our 3month old that suffered a lot with constipation at the beginning stages of his life. It does create some interesting smelling wind and nappies but as long as my little boy is happier ans able to pass his stools i am happy! We have found that he is able to burp and wind much better on this formula and has gone from having a dirty nappy roughly once a week to every other day if not every day.

    Our only downside would be that it is quite hard to get a hold of. We can only seem to find it in selected sainsbury's and Waitrose stores and very few boots stores. Also it is £2.50 dearer than other cow and gate milks but as it works we are not to bothered about this.
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to digest, affordable

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    We started using this formula when our daughter would have issues digesting another formula, so we decided to give this a whirl. It completely helped our daughters colic, it worked pretty much straight away. So easy to prepare and it's affordable. I would highly recommend this to a friend. Our daughter was on this formula for about two months and then her colic disappeared.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Really helps Babies with colic or constipation.

    • Weaknesses:

      It produced intresting nappys

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    This dose really work, my little one was not going to the toilet for up to a week and end up in hospital and being in real bad pain, which was horrible to watch when there nothing you can do. The Dr told me to switch to this milk and we never looked back, the milk is thicker and it works a treat. She been a different baby since we switched, she a lot happier, pain free and loves her milk.
  • 4.88/5
    • Strengths:

      prevents colic

    • Weaknesses:

      unpleasant smell

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    good milk for children who have colic. thanks to him, we gave up the colic drugs that we had to give before each bottle, what. it was difficult to travel. easy to prepare and available in many stores
  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      It works!

    • Weaknesses:

      Smells awful and this is reflected in nappy content!

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    After weeks and weeks of having my little man struggle through each evening and being told "bear with it, it will pass". I finally bit the bullet and changed from First Milk to Comfort Milk for my son's colic. Within 48 hours he became a completely different baby and has gone from crying all night to sleeping all night!
    It is a bit more expensive than First Milk and every bowel motion has my eyes watering (very foul smell), but I wouldn't change him back for anything!
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  • 4.88/5
    • Strengths:

      Thicker formula to reduce gas

    • Weaknesses:

      Creates some interesting nappies!

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    I can’t really give a normal review for this because shortly after using this we discovered our son was actually cows milk intolerant so he couldn’t use this milk. When we started bottle feeding we were using the original C&G but he suffered horrifically with colic and constipation so this seemed like the next logical step. It did seem to have quite an impact on the constipation but some of the smells that came out of him were interesting! It’s a much thicker formula than the original so you need to use the next size up teats otherwise they get blocked easily. I can’t comment on if it helped his colic or not because he had so many other underlying health problems that we couldn’t tell if it was the colic or something else.
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  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Helps with colic

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    Wow! What a difference this formula has made! I went from having a very colic upset baby every evening to a lovely settled baby! This difference was started to be seen after the first feed bringing wind up much easier and no more fighting in pain!!
    I swapped on to this milk as a laat ditch attempt.
  • 3.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Helps with colic and constipation

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    This milk is great for babies suffering from colic and constipation.

    It’s a bit thicker than normal cow and gate first milk.

    This really helped my 1st baby when she started showing signs of colic and had some constipation problems.

    It took around 2 weeks to properly see a difference in her but once we did she was like a differnt baby. There was no longer crying/screaming in the afternoon/evening which was great
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  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Worked amazing!

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    My baby had suffered from bad colic I was told to try many different things but swapping his formula to this one was the only thing that worked! It is easy to prepare just like any other formula, it is a bit more expensive than the normal ones but it is definitely worth the extra.
  • 4.00/5
    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    Made such a difference with our baby, from the first feed we noticed a huge difference! Kept it down a lot better and not so constipated. Has to be mixed with hot/warm water as it is too thick and gloomy if it is too cold. Slightly more expensive but worth every penny for a happy baby.
  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Works well to relieve colic.

    • Weaknesses:

      The powder tends to go clumpy if the lid is not sealed properly.

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    After being advised by my health visitor to use anti colic formula for my little boy we tried this cow and gate formula and it seemed to make a massive difference after just a few feeds! I would highly recommend this to anyone who has a baby struggling with colic. The formula is easy to measure out due to the measuring spoon in each tub and the corner is brilliant for levelling it off. The only negative is that the powder tends to go clumpy if you don't seal the lid properly.
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  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Although the milk itself is quite thick, the powder is still very fine and easy to mix into water.

    • Weaknesses:

      The smell is really bad!

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    Originally I tried my daughter on the Cow & Gate stage 1 milk, but unfortunately we found out she had colic which kept her awake screaming most nights. A lot of people recommended Cow & Gate colic milk as it was meant to be really good, but my Health Visitor advised against this and told me to "wait it out". I did not take her advice, and I bought the colic did not fail to impress! On the first day we gave her it, at exactly 8 weeks old; she slept through the night from 8pm to 6am and she slept through ever since! My only downfall with this milk is that it is really thick once mixed with water so you may need to buy some teats with larger holes as we noticed that the size 1 teats were hard for our daughter to drink through! Otherwise, I would 100% recommend this product to any parent whose child is suffering from colic or constipation!
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  • 4.38/5
    • Strengths:

      It did help with him digesting is the milk

    • Weaknesses:

      We only used it for colic but as it’s for constipation made his pop very runny

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    After nights of a screaming baby we were recommended this by other parents who swore by it to help relieve their baby’s colic I can’t say it helped massively but it must of done something as every time we tried to switch him to normal formula he used to be sick a lot. I wasn’t a fan because he made his poop very runny and green as it is also for constipation was a price worth paying by having to change him loads if it meant my baby was more comfortable.
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      absolutely loved this milk for my baby girl

    • Weaknesses:

      wish they did it for older then 12 months

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    my little girl suffered and to be honest still does with constipation, this milk was amazing, unfortunately she is now 14 months and i am struggling to gt milk down her that doesn’t make her constipated again. Cow and gate comfort is magic is definitely does what it says.
  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to make, instructions easy to follow, easy to digest

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    I was suggest this product for my son it has worked so well and I am continuing to use it. He seems more comfortable on this and it has made him settle better. I would recommend this product.
  • 4.25/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to digest, provides relief, easy prep

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality
    • Price
    • Easy to prepare
    • Easy to digest
    When my son was born we instantly put him on to Cow and gate 1 as my daughter had been on before. However it wasn't suitable for my son as the pains he experienced were awful between wind and constipation. Born 12 days early I assumed his little tummy was sensitive so I tried the comfort milk. He got instant relief from one bottle. He started taking his bottles better and his bowel movements became more regular. It's a bit more expensive but it's worth it if it helps him. It has a thicker texture which makes it easier to digest. We were told we could go back to Cow and gate 1 after a few months, however we're just sticking with this rather than rocking the boat.
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Cow & Gate Comfort is the right choice if your baby is suffering from colic or constipation. These issues may affect babies because of the immaturity of their digestive systems, which can sometimes make eating uncomfortable for them.

Made with reduced lactose, partially digested why proteins and structured vegetable oil, it's nutritionally complete, so you can feed it to your baby from birth or as part of a weaning diet from 6 months.

Owing to Comfort's special blend of ingredients, you may notice a change in your baby's stool consistency, which could be looser and greener. This is perfectly normal. Reduced lactose* *contains 38% of the lactose in Cow & Gate Stage 1 formula


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