
Member ratings
159 reviews
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Rating /5
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  • Security / Hygiene
  • Design
  • 3.13/5
    • Strengths:

      The pump is easy to take apart to clean and does what it says on the box

    • Weaknesses:

      I foumd that the manual pump was cheaper and quicker to use

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I bought the eletric breast pump after breastfeeding was established as i wanted to make sure i was able to breastfeed before investing money in an expensive eletric breastpump. I was a little disappointed as i felt that the manual breast pump actually expressed more milk and alot quicker however it is easier to use the eletric as your hand doesnt get tired! Although it took longer i was more comfortable and i found the actual expressing was comfortable too. I like that it has the different suction levels so that i could choose what i was happy with. overall i think that it is ok for someone wanting to express daily however if only occasionally i would just use a manual pump.
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  • 3.88/5
    • Strengths:

      cheap and reliable

    • Weaknesses:

      milk sometimes leaked

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    i used this product as my daughter had a tongue tie and could not latch. it was a god send only problem i found was sometimes the milk leaked out the bottom when removing if in the wrong position.
  • 4.25/5
    • Strengths:

      Different levels of suction

    • Weaknesses:

      Very loud

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I got this breast pump to use while breastfeeding, It was great when I was fully engorged but if I wasn’t and needed to pump it would struggle to get much out! I found a stronger suction might of been better I ended up switching to a manual mini pump and only used this pump when i was full e.g first thing in the morning
  • 3.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Comfortable on the breast intensity levels of how high or low to have the pumping

    • Weaknesses:

      Noisy when in use, can't fit all parts in box to store

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I used this with my first born it took a couple of attempts at first to get comfortable with the settings which felt comfortable for me to tolerate while pumping. It was great for storing milk in to bottles for the day or two ahead for outings/travels. I believe by using this it increased my milk flow as it can be quite intense. Only problem I didn't like that it wasn't discreet due to noise levels I felt I couldn't use it other than at home and when I didn't have anyone around as it made me feel a little like a milking cow embarrassing to say the least but it worked. It doesn't all fit in the steriliser box to store which is a shame also.
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  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Simple and quick

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I bought this to tackle engorged boobs. I was so made up it help me cope with pain and getting through first 6 weeks of my breastfeeding journey with my little girl who I currently breastfeeding at 5 months
  • 3.25/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to clean

    • Weaknesses:

      Hard to keep in place

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    Overall I’d give this 7/10 the design is good however if large busted hard to keep in place, suction tube kept falling off and awkward to hold however I used this for a good few months and plan on using it again
  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      The strengths of this pump are the fitting to the breast, how comfortable it was and how easy it was

    • Weaknesses:

      Lack of milk storage pots

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    I use this pump with my twins and my last baby , I found it to be very comfortable and great I could set the strength of suction I love how I could control it to how much my flow was it’s lightweight and easy to store and set up and having twins who needed feeding at the same time it was a god send for expressing my milk in advance the only down fall was I found there was not enough storage pots having twins two would of been helpful
  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to use and clean

    • Weaknesses:

      I personally didn't get on with pumping. I found it didn't suck an awful lot.

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    Easy to assemble and clean. Very comfortable on the breast. Personally I didn't get on with pumping. I felt it didn't have enough suction. But then I'm not 100% sure I was doing it correctly. Will be trying again with my 3rd baby due any day now.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      This product is easy to use and store. Very easy to clean and sterilise and expresses a good amount.

    • Weaknesses:

      The product is quite loud and the batteries die quite quickly.

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Security / Hygiene
    • Design
    This product is really easy to use and store. It comes with a sterilising container which can also be used to store the parts for the pump. It's easy to put together and use as well as easy to clean. It is slightly loud however does the job nice and quickly. Expressing takes me no more than 10 minutes with this pump. Definitely recommend it.
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The Closer to Nature Electric Breast Pump is designed to mimic a baby's natural suckling action, for great results at the touch of a button. The silicone cup makes the Electric Breast Pump ultra-comfortable to use.

Choose from 4 settings: light, low, medium and high. It is recommended that you start with the light mode to encourage let down, then move onto the setting that feels right for you.

- Portable and lightweight

- Includes handy steriliser box

- Only 3 parts

- Easy to operate, clean and assemble

- BPA-free Contains: 1 x Electric Breast Pump, 1 x Closer to Nature Easi-Vent 150ml bottle, 1 x Milk Storage Pot, 6 x Disposable Breast Pads, 1 x Microwave Steriliser Box

Only 1 Milk Storage Container Included

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