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  • 4.00/5
    • Strengths:

      The ability to set different alarms for morning/night or nap times.

    • Weaknesses:

      Unless kept out of reach, children can bypass the settings by pressing the buttons

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    This worked wonders for my children when we first introduced it. The idea is that even if they wake up, they learn that it isn’t time to get up until the sun shows and lights up the screen. If stars are showing then it is time to stay asleep. Quite soon though they figured out they could press the buttons to make the sun turn on before I had set it to. Probably user error and I should have kept it out of reach.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Simple yet ingenious!

    • Weaknesses:

      Ease of access

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    Every parent should invest in this product. As soon as we put our 2 year old in a bed from his cot (We were preparing for our 2nd baby) he took advantage of his sudden freedom. When we introduced the clock we explained to him that he need to stay in bed until the sun comes up and it actually worked! He's almost 3 now and even though he occasionally gets up in the night we usually only need to put him back in bed once.
    It can be used as soon as the child understands colours or pictures (blue stars for night time and yellow sun for morning).
    Such a simple idea yet works perfectly!
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  • 3.25/5
    • Strengths:

      Let’s yoir child know when they can wake up

    • Weaknesses:

      Extremely bright in sleep mode

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    Only buy this if staying in bed is something your child struggles with. we were given one recently and all that happens now is she yells at us to come get her when it turns yellow, whereas before she would just happily entertain herself until we came in.

    It’s also very bright. We have it plus the gro egg and between the two of them it’s like the Blackpool illuminations when you creep in to check on them in the night! Seriously; I can read a book by the light.
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Can set it to whatever time suits you

    • Quality
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    • Design
    My daughter started waking before 6am after I had my second baby so was willing to try anything to get her to stay in bed longer.
    My neighbour suggested the gro clock, I was sceptical at the beginning but worked a treat.
    It comes with a story book to help introduce the clock to your child.
    There are only three buttons on it and you basically scroll through the settings. You need to follow the instructions the first couple of times but then it becomes second nature. You can alter the brightness of the screen so can act as a night light as well. It can be quite bright so we have it on the lowest setting( or you can turn it off altogether).
    I started off by setting the time when my daughter usual woke for the 'sun to come up' and then increased it by 10 minutes each day until she was waking at a reasonable time. She got it straight away even at 2 years and have used it even since.
    I would highly recommend this to anyone who is having trouble with their little one waking. Definitely worth the money.
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  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to use

    • Weaknesses:

      Blue light is slightly counteractive

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    My 3 1/2 year old is a great sleeper but was waking up at 6ish some mornings and didn’t know whether it was morning because it is winter and dark. So we decided to get this clock, she loves it.
    At lights out we say good night to the sun and hello to the stars.
    Then in the morning she checks to see if the sun is out before getting up, if it’s still stars she tries to go back to sleep.
    Only niggle is the blue light at night which isn’t good for sleep but we have the brightness turned down so not too bad.
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The Gro Clock is the perfect nursery accessory. Designed for children who are too young to read an ordinary clock, the Gro-clock uses the sun and moon to explain the difference between night and day. The images encourage children to stay in bed longer as they learn to "Stay in bed until you see the sun".

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