This is definitely a baby essential! I went almost a year without this and wondered why I’d never got it sooner.
It is really effective at removing snot from your baby or toddlers nose before they are able to blow it themselves, and helps them breathe much easier and is way more convenient than sitting in a room with the shower on etc! It comes in it’s own plastic case to keep it all together, the tube and two filters.
You basically pop the end with the small snot chamber on up the baby’s nostril and suck up the other end on the mouthpiece. It’s painless but I found both my babies had a dislike for it, but that’s to be expected really.
The filter which goes inside the chamber stops anything going up into your mouth, but I’ll admit I was nervous the first time I used it! It’s easy to clean to. All you do is twist the chamber open and pop out the small disc filter and wash it all out with hot soapy water. This does need doing after each use though because obviously the snot will harden and block it up.
Definitely recommend! And if you’re worried about getting snot in your mouth, do not worry!! It really doesn’t happen.
I love this it helps so much when my little girl is ill and finding it hard to breathe it works so well and brings loads off stuff out so she can breathe I would definitely recommend it to all new parents it’s definitely a must have to all mums.
I love this and wish I had it from birth! Its by far the best nose sucker for a baby, without being crazy expensive! It truely gets out all the blockage, allow baby a clear nose to breathe easier! Cleaning it is super simple, and it comes with two filters which is handy. I've had mine for almost 2 years now and its still going strong! I buy this product for every pregnant friend, as its that good" Much better than a bulb one.
I totally forgot we had this until my little one woke up full of snot this morning (in the middle of June!).
Personally I think it’s an essential piece of kit. We originally had one of those hand pump ones but it just really didn’t work, this on the other hand is brilliant! Simply put one end up the babies nose (the end where the filter is) and the other end in your mouth (don’t worry the snot doesn’t go anywhere near your mouth).When you suck out the snot you can see how much you’ve cleared out and instantly baby can breath so much better!
You do need to make sure you clean it after each use though because if not it can get clogged by the drying snot and it won’t work anymore.
It comes with a spare filter which is good because they are so tiny it would be easy to lose one. My only negative about this is that the filters are abit fiddly to put back in, you also need to make sure they are completely dry otherwise it won’t work.
Oh it also comes in a nice little storage case too so you can take it out and about whilst keeping it clean
We’ve used this many times and it always helps to clear baby’s airways in an easy and fast manner. Only issue is that it’s a little hard to clean and if the filters are not 100% dry it will not suck up as much.
Really helps to clear child's nose when they cannot blow their nose
The little silicone filter is so tiny you have to be careful not to lose it
Ease of use
Fantastic product. Helped my daughter breath countless times. It's easy to use as long as your child let's you. Easy to clean as it can be taken apart, just keep an eye on the little silicone filter. It's not the most pleasant idea but you don't get anything in your mouth and it is 100% worth buying for when your little one is a bit bunged up.
I have used this for my second baby when he caught a cold at 3weeks old. It is so easy to use and baby gets so comfortable after getting rid of the boogies. Very handy.
This is amazing for colds hay fever etc. My little boy had an awful cold I kept using this through out the days and by the fourth day his cold had gone. It’s easy to use, easy to clean and also comes with a plastic storage box and a second filter.
Easy to use, great for kids who are bunged up and makes life alot easier
Could maybe bring them out in different colours
Ease of use
This is an absolute life saver, especially when children are poorly and have bunged up noses. I've used this on both my children and it helped alot when they were too young to blow their own nose.