This is a must have for tiny noses getting sniffly, babies have a hard time bringing up mucus by themselves and need help from us. I originally bought a bulb syringe but found it very difficult to use and couldn't get the hang of it, I was so happy when my husband found this! It allows you to control the suction and so you can keep sucking until you get up the mucus up. Don't suck too hard though, it can hurt or damage their little sinuses!
I bought this before we went on holiday in case lo came down with a cold. We actually used it before going on holiday and it was great. I was a bit reluctant at first and thought the idea of it was quite gross. But one I used it, it was fantastic and sucked all the mucus out of my los nose. She had instant relief. Best couple of pounds I’ve ever spent, and such a clever and simple invention. Definitely a must have.
My boy had really bad snot all the time as a new born. Fortunatly i found this at my local boots. It was a life saver. My baby could breath alot better altogether. He doesnt like his nose being messed with so it can be difficult to actually use it. However it is a very easy to use just depends on the baby. I still use it now alongside nosel spray
This has got to be the most disgusting thing I've ever done but it was so effective at clearing our little ones blocked nose! I'd say it's definitely a two man job as it can be hard to have it in the right place and keep baby still too.
My son recently had suspected bronchiolitis. There's nothing a Dr can give you except saline spray and tell you to use a nasal aspirator. For a week I was using a nasal bulb and trying to suck the mucus out with my hand but as soon as I purchased this and started using it I was getting out a lot more.
Weirdly enough, if you can get your baby quite sleepy at the time of doing it, they actually enjoy the sensation.
I used this alongside Sterimar nasal spray.
Before my 2nd child was born I saw this in a shop and was disgusted at the thought of using it. However, fast forward several months and my baby was screaming her head off through the night, struggling to breathe through her nose and was just so miserable with her first cold. I tried plug-ins, steam, baby vapour rub and she was still bunged up. In desperation I asked my partner to pick up one of these, and when he brought it home I used some saline spray to loosen everything up in her little nose, then put the valve slightly into one of her nostrils, and sucked on the mouthpiece. So much snot came out, she cried but when she calmed down she didn't sound anywhere near as snuffly. It isn't the most pleasant experience, and cleaning makes me gag, but it gave my baby enough relief that she could finally get some sleep. It isn't possible to suck too hard and hurt baby, if baby is very congested it will get clogged and you'll have to stop to empty it but all in all it is a good little piece of equipment to have.
When my son got his first cold at 4 months old I wanted to do whatever I could to ease his symptoms. I took to this nasal aspirator to unblock his nose. It was simple to use and clean afterwards, however I'm left wondering just how hygienic it is? Yes it has a mesh filter, but I'd surely still be inhaling all the bacteria and germs from his cold? This wasn't an issue, as being his mother I'd do whatever I could to make him feel better, even if that meant I'd get ill too! Overall this was a good product to unblock little noses. It's easy to clean and comes with a spare filter with handy case to keep all the parts together.
This item is a god send!! A friend told me about it and I wouldn’t be without it! Still use it on my two year old.
So easy to use. Easy to clean. Easy to store. Easy to transport.
We purchased this product when my baby was struggling to drink his bottles as his little nose was blocked. It worked wonders although isn’t the most pleasing thing to do, I also struggled to suck the tube but my partner had no issues and it did the trick. Would recommend to anyone.
When she was 8 weeks my wee one had a bad cold, nose was horribly blocked and she couldn’t get a sleep because of it, along with some calpol nasal drops this worked a treat, would not recommend trying without softening the snot first though as it doesn’t do much on its own. The little one was scared but it may have been due to the nasel spray but
Easy to use, perfect for clearing out baby’s nose and helping them to breathe again my son got a cold when he was month and half old so this was a absolute god sent since there isn’t many products to help a 2/3 month under baby out with colds ect...
Hard to completely clean and even harder to use with a wriggling baby
Ease of use
This product is ok, it does help a small amount when the little ones are poorly. Clearing out all the snoring however isn't as simple, I end up using cotton buds but even they are too big to get everything out. When it comes to using the product its hard to do when baby is fighting you there have been a few occasions where I've managed to get it on place then she'll realize and move which is when the top of the aspirator has caught inside her nose causing it to bleed a little bit. So it does help but it's a fight to get the job done.
This works so well, clears babies nose quickly and easily but she screams blue murder when she sees this come out. She hates me using it in her. But the second I'm finished she is happy and full of smiles because she can breath and feels better again. So worth it.
Fab nasal aspirator to get rid of mucus from babies nose , filter ensures doesn’t go in your mouth , small so perfect size for baby nostrils . Comes in case so can take out and about . Only downside quite hard to clean
Used this when my son was poorly and it helped so much! Do it just before bedtime it Helped him sleep so much better because he could breath comfortably without is nose being so blocked.
I recommend this to everyone with a young baby that has a cold
We bought this aspirator a fews days ago when our 5 month old was suffering with a cold and a LOT of sticky snot. I didn't want her swallowing it or getting it on her chest and as she's too young to blow her nose this seemed like the perfect solution. I was right! From the very first use it sucked out so much thick snot I was equal parts disgusted and impressed!
It's easy to put together, comes with a spare filter piece to stop you sucking the mucousy bogies down the tube to your mouth and you can adjust the level of suction yourself by sucking harder or gentler. I did find that I needed to suck on the other end of the pipe fairly hard to get the best results and this wasn't the easiest (I had to keep gasping for air between sucks, but maybe that's because by this point I'd also got the dreaded cold and couldn't breathe through my own nose!). If I hadn't already caught her cold then having to suck on the other end of the tube would most likely result in more than a little germ sharing too.
I would have thought the noise and the suction would have startled my little lady but in fact she giggled and smiled as I did it each time, probably just thrilled not to be having her little nose wiped repeatedly any more which she hated!
It really did help to clear her nose to make breathing and sleeping more comfortable for her. Results were instant and as it's so easy to clean it was ready for use again really quickly for her. The smaller nozzle size compared to some of the alternative brands was much better for getting good access too. It states that it's suitable from birth which I'm sure it would be.
I'd recommend using in the morning after overnight build up and before bed to clear airways at least, although it says on the instructions not to use it too much as it could irritate the lining of their delicate nose. It's helped us get our smiley girl back rather than the grumpy/cranky baby full of snot that had replaced her so I'd definitely recommend having one of these in the house ready to combat colds and congestion whenever needed!
I enedee up trying multiple aspirators and this is the best one I’ve found. It fits in small noses unlike some of the others. The price is reasonable. Once you’re over the idea of sucking to clear the nose you wont be disappointed.
I have tried using this and to be honest it’s easier using a baby wipe to get boggies. I wouldn’t say it’s very hygienic because the boggies go into one area that needs to be cleaned out. We were bought this by a family member but I have seen them in supermarkets and they are expensive so I wouldn’t purchase myself. It isn’t easy to use either when you have a baby that moves about and you are trying to stick something up their nostral. Didn’t like at all.
Such a simple little gadget to use and clean. Honestly it's one of the must have items when you are a new mum. It has been a life saver for my little boy and me!
Thus has been a life saver for my baby. He is rather snuffly at the best of times so we use this often. It is a bit hard to clean down the pipe and I personally find it sucks better without the filter on but there is a risk of inhaling snotters! Really clears my babys nose but he doesn't really enjoy it being used which I can't blame him for!
The product is a little expensive for what it is, however does the job with my newest addition. Clears the nose properly and leaves her able to breathe through her nose after. Gives you an extra guaze to be able to change whilst cleaning the other once used. Only downside is the suction pipe, snot gets easily stuck.
This is a lifesaver when your little one has a cold/blocked nose and can’t yet blow their own nose.
It relieves blocked noses instantly.
Quite fiddly to clean out and i always drop the tiny filter but i wouldn’t be without this. Really helps give my baby relief from congestion and helps him get a good nights sleep.
Can be abit of a pain to clean, scares baby from sound.
Ease of use
This was a great little gadget used in the early stages. You simply put one end of the nasal adapter up the baby’s nostril and the other bit goes in your mouth and you simply “suck” the snot out - although it does go into a filter and doesn’t go no where near your mouth! :) works great but the sound of a vacuum like suction used to scare my little one and would cry. Nether the less, it does a great job.
I have bought this as my boy is struggling with a blocked nose. I like that the tube is long and that the nose is small but i feel they may be others on the market that are easier to use than to suck the snot out. So far I haven't been very successful.