

Doona Car Seat To Stroller

Member ratings
94 reviews
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Average
  • Bad
Rating /5
  • Comfortable
  • Value for money
  • Easy to use
  • Design
  • 4.88/5
    • Strengths:

      Ease of use

    • Weaknesses:

      Heavy, unable to change colours if you require a second colour pack.

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    We brought this in 2016 when they were new to the market! Absolutely saved my life. My travel system was too big for my car :( silly mistake by myself, however this was perfect for all those little trips into the shops to grab nappies / milk at a rush! Also so easy when baby is already aleep! Covers come off to be washed.
    Downside is that due to it having the built in wheels it is already quite a bulky and heavy car seat so unable to carry if you wanted to! But the wheels are easily popped out! Takes some figuring out to work out the best way for you to get the wheels out without waking the baby! But I’ve mastered this now! We have stored and kept the seat to use with our next baby due in 5 months:) already excited!
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  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Compact, easy to convert, padded

    • Weaknesses:

      Comes with no accessories

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    I really love this car seat/buggy. It is easy to switch between the two. It has been very handy for me as I use a lot of taxis so this saves a lot of time and effort. My little one has used it from birth, the newborn insert is very padded and comfortable. Only down sides are it does come with any acessories other than a newborn insert and car seat mat. We also found the front wheels are so small they get stuck on large curbs, pot holes, gravel, uneven land so it's definitely not for off roading, but as a city stroller it's quite nifty. Also not great for shopping trips as there is no under buggy storage although this can be bought separately.
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  • 4.25/5
    • Strengths:

      Ease of getting baby in and out the car

    • Weaknesses:

      No shopping basket

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    This is excellent I’d like me you have more than one child to think about and don’t want to wake the baby. However it does fall short in that there is no basket to hold any items.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy, convenient

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    Easy to use and push not bulky like other pushchairs. Great product for parents who travel a lot. Safe and secure for baby and converts into pushchair to car seat in seconds.
  • 3.88/5
    • Strengths:

      Dual use

    • Weaknesses:

      Bulky and expensive

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    I first discovered the doona in Tesco carpark! While I was struggling to put screaming baby back in the car seat then fold up buggy a lady next to me pulled up, pressed one button and hey-presto, was on her way!
    It’s a fab little buggy, we only use it for holidays and grandparents use, handle bar is a bit wobbly and much lower than my bugaboo but still a great item!
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  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to use, no need to carry a pram, light, saves your back, great for older siblings to push

    • Weaknesses:

      The handle is a bit wobbly

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    I wish this was around when I had my older 2 children. My back and hips were constantly out of alignment by popping into the shops with a sleeping baby in the car seat, which would be held by my hips!!!

    Now it’s so easy to do the school run, car seat is light, clips out of the optional Isofix really easily, then once it’s out of the car, one push of a button and the wheels are out. The handle has to different lengths, the bottom one is perfect for my 8 and 6 year old to push their sister and join in.

    The wheels go back so easily as well, again just one button and they fold back in as you push the wheels from the front.

    It manoeuvres really well too.

    My friends want another baby just so they can get the Doona!!
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to use & so helpful to all lifestyles.

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    During my pregnancy I went into an independent shop to take a look at what was on the market for car seats. The man asked me why I wasn’t going for a travel system and told him it was because we wanted to use a sling for as long as possible and would need a car seat only. He then showed me the Doona and I was sold! Before we bought it, I took my partner to try it out and being a gadget man, he was so impressed.
    It’s absolutely the best purchase we’ve made so far! When our little man is sleeping we don’t have to disturb him when popping in and out of places. It’s easy and just as light as any other car seat, that we don’t have to carry! It’s fantastic when popping into the shops, especially as it frees up your hands to hold a bag of shopping or two.
    If your a busy parent or use public transport , you might find this even more helpful! It doesn’t take up much space, so you rarely have to “fight” for buggy space, if you’re on a bus and there aren’t any further buggy spaces, you can easily put it into car seat mode and then onto the bus you go! Everyone that sees me says how they wish they had bought this as there car seat option. It doesn’t replace a buggy completely, we ended up purchasing a carrycot buggy, because we go out on long walks and out little man loves laying down. But we highly recommend it’s a 5* from us!
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  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Quick, convenient, easy to use.

    • Weaknesses:

      Lose straps, heavy once baby grows.

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    My experience with the Doona so far has been overall a really good one. The quickness and convenience of having both pushchair and stroller combined has made things such as shopping trips and school runs with 3 other children far easier and a lot less stress free. The Doona is easy to fold down and put up, with the simple press of a button, making getting it in and out of the car a smooth transition. This is great when in a rush, or in bad weather and I much prefer this to the days of having to get pushchair and carrycot/chassis in or out of the boot and assembling before getting baby in and out of the car seat. This has also been a bonus for when baby has fallen asleep on the journey and has saved waking him to move to the pushchair.
    The size and shape means I am able to easily get three children sat in car seats side by side in the rear of the car. My boot space is also left free, which is another positive.
    The chassis is small and I've often had people comment on how tiny the pushchair is. The handle to push does extend and however it is ideal for me at 5'3 I question whether this would be ideal for someone much taller?
    The pushchair is very nippy and easily navigated with one hand, again ideal when dealing with other children or trying to shop.
    The only negatives with this product I feel are the straps to secure baby into the seat often seem loose on the shoulders/chest and tight across the thighs despite trying to tighten all over, however this is only slightly and never caused me major issues. It also obviously become heavier to lift in and out of the car as baby grows but I feel this is relevant to any car seat similarly used. I do not feel it is heavier by much in comparison.
    Our hood also comes loose very easily on the one side however I am unsure as to whether this is an overall product issue or just relevant to the one I have purchased.
    I would definitely recommend this pushchair to anyone who makes regular, short journeys where there is lots or getting in and out of the car. It has been my saving grace.
    We have used it for longer journeys with no issue and baby remains comfortable and happy however I feel in these scenarios a separate stroller may be needed to give baby a break from sitting in the same position for too long.
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  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Ease of use, practibility, space saving

    • Weaknesses:

      Lack of padding

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    Perfect for on the move and doing the school run or popping into the shop, my partner was hesitant about buying another buggy for baby no. 2 but as soon as he arrived and we started using this buggy he realised how incredible it is!
  • 4.88/5
    • Strengths:

      Versatile, easy for travelling

    • Weaknesses:

      Not for tall folk as it is compact

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    versatile pram. I’ve had this coming up to three years and it’s been fab. It’s made it three years, three continents, cars, planes, ferries, buses, combis and two kids later and still has life. This is definitely suited for the travelling family allowing for a pram and a car seat with no extra additions unless you are wanting an isofix base. It’s compact and allows for a great shopping companion as you can weave through shopping aisles easy. To top it off if it’s within a year of purchase you can get new wheels with a valid receipt. This is definitely a mom win ?? star rating ????? can’t wait for Doona’s next invention
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Light, easy to fold, very easy to clean.

    • Weaknesses:


    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    This is the best product lately. Very light and easy to fold. My 4 months baby is falling a sleep straight away so it must be comfy for him. Very easy to clean just take cover off and put in to washing machine. Will recommend to every parent.
  • 4.50/5
    • Weaknesses:

      A little bit heavy

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    As a mama with chronic low back pain, this car seat was a LIFE SAVER. No lugging a car seat around, just pop out the wheels! I love that I don't have to bend over on the ground to strap my kid in. It's perfect for a family living in an area where you are doing a lot of driving. It is a bit heavier than a typical car seat, but then again the idea is that with wheels you are not having to carry it. I constantly have other moms stopping me to ask where I got this magical contraption. And it makes traveling with an infant SO much easier because there's no need for a separate stroller (one less thing to lug to the airport!) can push kiddo all the way to the gate, collapse, and gait check. Hands down the best baby purchase I've ever made. Would absolutely buy again. Worth every penny!!
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  • 4.25/5
    • Strengths:

      Good very well done

    • Weaknesses:

      Nothing really

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    This is a good item well worth the money and a good size it’s very easy to use and sturdy it’s a good size seating area easy to set up and go doesn’t take up to much room and the colour was good to Iin my opinion it’s very reliable and sturdy
  • 4.88/5
    • Strengths:

      Quick simple and easy to use

    • Weaknesses:

      A bit heavier than a normal car seat

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    Love this car seat as does my older son (5) as it's perfect for him to push without putting handle up. Even with it been a bit heavier it make life easier when just running into shops or restaurants. And takes up less space than a pram base.
    Over all a great product
  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Soo easy to use

    • Weaknesses:

      No where to put shopping ect

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    This car seat made life so much easier when my son was small, I could put him in and out of the car with ease. I live in a flat with not a lot of storage space, but the car seat didn't take up much space.
    My older daughter (age 6( loved the fact that the handle could be lowered so she could push her brother.
  • 3.38/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to control and push on any surface

    • Weaknesses:

      Very low position to have the baby in, as dust and outdoor particles blow into the pram...

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    In all it's a lovely pushchair and am in love with the design, very flexible and easy to function but if only it was more off the floor it would be excellent.
  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Nipping in places couldn’t be easier with wheels that pop out of the frame!

    • Weaknesses:

      Quite heavy

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    So I’ve had this since my baby was born she is now 9 weeks. This is such a time saver and saves putting a buggy up and down when needing to nip in somewhere. Can’t recommend it enough!
  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Quick and easy to use.

    • Weaknesses:

      Not very stylish

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    Great product very practical. I always used when dropping my older children off at school. Baby seems comfortable. Would recommend.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      So easy to push

    • Weaknesses:

      Lack of storage

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    The Doona is my favourite baby item we have. It makes me life so much easier. It pushes like a dream and makes me hate my pram.albeit the pram has storage which is one area the doona lacks. But I bought the expensive accessories. The sunshade is the best one and the day bag. I rarely use the all day bag, it’s just more awkward. I ended up buying an extra skip hop bottle bag and clipping that onto the doona, so we can go out all day.
    The handle is two height which is helpful for tight spaces like waiting rooms and it fits under my stairs and also helpful for putting dummies in constantly!
    My son is very comfortable in it, and falls asleep when we get going.
    We get so many compliments on our Doona, ours is love red but it’s a bit salmon which was a shame as we have a boy. I wish it would last longer but as our son was small and prem it might just do!
    Isofix and the sunshade (we use it on our pram to) are worth it.
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to use, so practical

    • Weaknesses:

      Newborn insert makes baby sweat

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    Absolutely love this car seat have recommended to everyone I know having babies really is the best thing ever. The newborn insert has made baby really sweaty. Easy fold away and so easy if leaving baby with family members. I have a cover on my seat.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy and convenient

    • Weaknesses:

      Only goes up to 13kg

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    I cannot recommend this enough. I loved mine and was really sad when my son outgrew it. It was so easy to use especially when having to do the school run. We have to drive to get to my sons school so the thought of carrying a heavy car seat to and fro or assembling a pram everyday was mind numbing. I saw the Doona and fell in love. I used it everyday! I know babies are not meant to be in car seats for a long period of time but my son had silent reflux so the position of this was perfect for him.
    It is a bit bulkyer than a standard car seat but it doesn’t matter as you are never going to carry it as the wheels are a push of a button away.
    I have attached two pictures the first is my son a week old and the second is him at 10 months old. As you can see he looked very comfy.
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  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:


    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    Have this car seat for my son it’s a great car seat come pushchair love how easy it is to get in out of the car folds up and down really easy don’t no how I coped with out it in my life makes trips to the shop easy. Also can get a change bag that go on the back which it’s great to definitely recommend it ??
  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Very easy to use and light

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    I have experience using very heavy car seats for babies which are hard to assemble. This one is easy to use and very light. I am also a design freak and colours of this car seat are beautiful that I feel proud walking around with.
  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Very easy to use

    • Weaknesses:

      Doesn’t last that long

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    This is so handy to have especially if you have other children and need to do school runs ect. Really good quality and so easy to use.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Instant transformation

    • Comfortable
    • Value for money
    • Easy to use
    • Design
    I brought the doona when my baby was 4 months old as was so heavy carrying her around and now she is 7 months old it was one of the best buys ever she still has loads of room in there but I don't know what I'm going to do when she's out grown it. So easy to use, very comfortable i cant rate this product highly enough.
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This Doona car seat converts from a group 0+ car seat into a compact stroller.

Ideal for stepping out and about with baby, without a travel system frame required.

The Doona is the next generation infant car seat, combining the highest standard in safety and a integrated travel system. It has already won multiple industry awards. Ideal for todays’ busy parent, the Doona surpasses every safety standard in its primary function as a car seat and when converted into a stroller at the click of a button.

With its deep double walled side impact protection, orthopaedic inner cushion and anti-rebound technology, the Doona is also bigger than most of the other car seats, so your infant can remain in it for longer. Simply secured with the 3-point seat belt, the Doona can also be used with a Doona ISOfix base (sold separately) for added safety and practicality.

Thanks to its integrated wheels, you can be out of your car with your baby in less than ten seconds, and on your way in comfort and style.

The only car seat with integrated wheels

  • Easy instant fold Compact storage
  • One touch brake
  • Chassis suspension for a smoother ride
  • Swivel wheels
  • Orthopedic designed inner cushion
  • Inner cushion anti-bacterial, hypoallergenic with humidity and thermal regulation
  • Rocking function
  • Includes seat protector

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