Chicco Balance Bike
- Strengths:
Sturdy and lightweight.
- Weaknesses:
- Quality
- Price
- Ease of use
- Interest
My son loves this bike. I originally bought his a wooden balance bike but it was too heavy for his to use easily. We bought this instead and he loves it. It is so easy to manoeuvre so he can zoom around on it! - Strengths:
- Strengths:
Lightweight and very good price
- Weaknesses:
No weaknesses
- Quality
- Price
- Ease of use
- Interest
I bought this bike for my toddler who was 2 years, this is a solid bike. This is a really well made bike enough for some off roading and on balance bike parks. my little boy was able to ride a bike without stabilisers at the age of 3 because of using this balance bike .
- Strengths:
- Strengths:
Rather lightweight but feels sturdy enough for child to ride on
- Weaknesses:
Didn't come across any
- Quality
- Price
- Ease of use
- Interest
I bought the Chicco balance bike for my son when he was about 2.5 years old and it has been one of my best buys ever! It is light enough to carry (around/less than 3 kg) so is not heavy for the child to balance and easy to carry for the adult in case the child wants to walk or play for a bit. Since buying the balance bike, my son has developed a love for being outdoors and gets complimented every time by strangers on how good his balancing skills are. He loves riding it on different terrains and especially loves going down slopes while expertly using his feet to brake/stop if he needs to. I have lost count of the number of times I have been recommending this balance bike to among my circle of friends. My son has gained enough confidence to be able to graduate a traditional pedal bike at 3.5 after about year or so of riding his balance bike.
Overall I would highly recommend it to parents over other fancy/expensive battery operated cars/bikes with stabilisers or trikes! This balance bike is better than all of those put together. Buy it and you wont regret being in the fresh air so much. Oh, and you will also get fitter chasing after your little ones! :) - Strengths:
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The Chicco balance bike is an essential first bike, ideal to help develop balance on two wheels, to then move to a real bicycle with pedals.
- Age From: 2 Years +
- Brand: Chicco
- Material: Metal
- Length (cm): 71 Width (cm): 45 Height (cm): 54
- Colour: Pink
- Weight: 2.765
- Bike Type: Balance Bikes
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