

Yoomi 8oz/240ml Feeding bottle & rechargeable warmer

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Rating /5
  • Quality / Performance
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  • Ease of use
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  • 4.38/5
    • Strengths:

      Warms the milk gently wherever you are

    • Weaknesses:

      Quite bulky

    • Quality / Performance
    • Price
    • Ease of use
    • Design
    Its taken me a little bit of practice to get into the swing of using this bottle and warmer but now i'm a big fan. I use it mainly when I'm out of the house and take the recharged and sterilised bottle and warmer along with a bottle of pre-mixed formula. You just press the button on the warmer and it heats up- warming the milk as it passes into the teat. It is a gentle heat and so initially I was worried it wasn;t working but after a minute or two you can really feel that it is (it warms the inside of my bag when I put it in after a feed). The instructions say that you can press the button to turn on the warmer through the teat but I have found this a bit tricky and usually take the warmer out to press the button. It is quite a bulky bottle but my baby accepted the bottle quickly and has a relaxed and comfortable feed. You can only use the warmer once before it needs a recharge so you need more than one if you plan on being out for multiple feeds.
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The Yoomi 8oz/240ml Feeding Bottle & rechargeable warmer prepares your baby's feed in just 60 seconds.

Perfect for quick feeds at home or out and about.

Warms milk to perfect breast milk temperature wherever you are.

Portable, ideal for on-the-go (no more batteries, warmers or having to ask for hot water when out)

Easy to use, recharge and clean

In this pack you'll find: 8oz feeding bottle yoomi warmer medium flow nipple

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